I was denied a host referral fee as well. I’m reaching out t...
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I was denied a host referral fee as well. I’m reaching out to a few attorneys to see about a possible class action lawsuit ag...
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A good rule of thumb is never more then 10 guests per flusing toilet no matter the space size of venue footprint. 🙂 . Thanks for the share. Good tips.
@Hello6 ten guests?! I say two! But Americans often have very specific ideas about how many people can share a bathroom. I never want more than 2 people sharing in our space. I have had some guests that argue but that is all our plumbing will handle.
Another excellent piece of content filled with great information, thank you @Laura2592
Thanks @Laura2592 @Nick @Hello6 @Quincy @Emilia42 and others for sharing your stories about your home areas in general terms.
Here's a couple of historical references that may be of interest to those in or wanting to learn more about Maryland and surrounding locations to @Laura2592 beautiful heritage property.
Salaries of School teachers - 1884
Recommended school hours for children - 1888
Child Labour and Education - 1918
Maryland School for Blind
@Laura2592 Do you know what the School House Building was originally named?
And who built it?
How far from La Plata is your home?
Violent Storm - 14 deaths School destroyed
I've been delving into my favourite Papers Past here in New Zealand to learn more about Maryland's history!
Farming in Virginia and Maryland
University of Maryland - School for Housewives and Floral Arrangements
I also see Maryland was featured in films 'In Maryland"
@Helen427Hi.......I'm on Maryland's eastern shore. My ABnB is just mins from the Harriet Tubman Museum, she is a legend down here. Areas around here were used in the making of the film about her life.
The artist that painted this mural lives just around the corner from me. Lovey is a family friend.
You may also be interested in knowing about St Michael's, the town that fooled the British. I'm just 40 mins from there, it's always on my list of must visit places.
Speaking of La Plata, they had a horrible tornado back in 2002. It crossed the Chesapeake Bay and landed 1o miles from me on Taylor's Island, it passed my son in laws Aunt and Uncle's house then took out the home of my daughter's friend, no one was home at the time, they live about 5 mins from me. Tornadoes rarely happen in this area of the country. My friend videotaped it coming across the bay, they had it on the local news and interviewed him, I tried to find it but no luck. Maryland was also featured on the big morning show here...Good Morning America. Can't remember how long ago that's been now, it was really interesting.
I bet New Zealand is full of history as well.
Harriet 'Moses' Tubman was an incredible woman @Laura2592 @Kym6
@Gillian120 @Quincy @Wende2
Here's a song she sang if at any stage of the journey she were compelled to leave her companions and forage for supplies, she would disclose herself on her return through the strain of a favourite little song :-
"Dark and Thorny is the pathway,
Where de pilgrim make his way;
But beyond this vale of sorrow
Lie de fields of endless day"
The 'Underground Railroad' for fugitive slaves
@Helen427 Yes Harriet was a force to be reckoned with, the museum is rich with history about her. Her portraits are featured in several areas around here. Another famous slave is Fredrick Douglas, an amazing man also from the area.
great wonan.
@Helen427 our school originally served the families that worked on the Francis Scott Key estate. We have a lot of history on its origins. There is a picture in our living room of the last class and a caption about schoolhouses of this kind-- the original hangs in the county courthouse. Maryland has a really interesting history. Founded by Catholics, Carroll County where my Airbnb is was actually named for a prominent clan of Irish chieftans, the O'Carrolls.
@Laura2592 Have you ever watched the show Who do you think you are.? They had Chris O'Donnell on, he was Robin in a Batman movie and is on the show N C I S LA. He found out he was an ancestor to Francis Scott Key and get this, he didn't know who he was.
.@Laura2592 Informative post. We call our home a "cottage" because we are surrounded by MacMansions. Most guests feel that it is a nice size and cozy. Love the suggestion about offering local artwork for sale.
@Ann783 your home is lovely! It seems quite spacious for a cottage, but its all relative. Its kind of like the Vanderbilts calling The Breakers "a cottage"-- if its a house close to the sea, it qualifies. And you have some cottage-y decor.
@Laura2592 Hi......the cottage is so nice, I'll have to book you one day. I've actually never been to that area. Maybe when mosquito haven gets bad I'll head your way =^)