Registering with local police in Prague?

Level 2
Prague, Czech Republic

Registering with local police in Prague?

Hello, started to host in Prague.


According to local rules all visitors in Czech republic should be registered. Can somebody advice me, how to register my guests at police?


thank you.


7 Replies 7

Check with the local authority that created that law or directly with your local police department. My city has a website and our Office of Short  Term Rentals lists laws regarding guests. As a tourist in most European hotels I have been required to show my passport to prove identity. They usually write down my passport country of issue, number, expiration date and my name or they photocopy it. If no one answers your question and you cannot find anything on the Internet, ask a small hotel and they may have specific information for you. Good Luck.

Level 2
Prague, Czech Republic

thank youi!
Level 1
Prague, Czech Republic

Hi, this is a very important requirement you have to fulfill as a host. Please, check this links: 


Oznamování ubytovaných cizinců ubytovatelem

Level 2
Prague, Czech Republic

thank you

Level 1
Prague, Czech Republic

Hi, Umar, for example can do it for, including the key management and many other things, Jana

Level 2
Prague, Czech Republic


Level 10
Chicago, IL

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Strávil jsem několik let v Praze, nikdy se to stalo. Nikdy.