Rules for being an Airbnb Host in the Netherlands

Rules for being an Airbnb Host in the Netherlands

Hey guys,

I am Yannick from germany and I intend to rent one or two apartments in the Netherlands with my german company in order to re-rent them via Airbnb. Unfortunately its quite hard to get my head around what rules I have to follow exactly, things I have to watch out for when becoming a host in the NL with a german company. For everything tax related I already contacted a tax office in NL. 

Is there anything else I have to keep in mind? If yes, where should I best inform myself abput local rules?  Would you guys recommend getting a Dutch BV as a subsidiary company to handle this? 

Thanks in advance & best regards,



2 Antwoorden 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



It depends also where the apparments are situated, for example rules in Amsterdam are very specific.

Maybe this helps for a start:


Hey @Emiel1,

thank you for your reply!
yeah I read through that already but it doesnt quite give a perfect summary of all the information I need.

The apartments would be in Enschede, inner city preferably. One general thing would be: can I just rent apartments out via airbnb in the netherlands unless there is specific rules like in amsterdam? or is there some nation wide restrictions?

when I do rent out apartments via airbnb, do I need to register it somewhere? (apart from the tax aspect)
do I need written confirmation of the owner of the property to allow my business? 



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