Hi Roman@s , Im Fabiola from airbnb Barcelona(im a host)

Level 2
Barcelona, Spain

Hi Roman@s , Im Fabiola from airbnb Barcelona(im a host)

I have a friend of mine who goes to study doctorade in Rome,from 1 febreary to 30 april.Does anyone have an available room to rent to him for 03 months?? He told me he can pay máx 650 euros/monthly.I appreciate any info that could help him to find a place there!

All the best,Fabiola

3 Risposte 3
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Fabiola0 welcome to the Community Center!


You are currently posting in the Italian section and I would suggest you to use Italian (if you can speak some) to communicate with other members so that everyone (yourself included) can benefit from your discussion and join the conversation for providing their help.


Sounds good? 🙂 


Guarda il video il video della sessione internazionale di Q&A con Brian Chesky!
Ehy, prima volta nel Community Center? Presentati alla community, leggi le linee guida e impara come postare responsabilmente.

Level 2
Barcelona, Spain

@Jim1...unfortunately i dont speak italy not yet.. eventhought, im trying to help a friend to find a place to be in Rome during his sandwich doctorate.I hope italien people could comunicate with us in english as well.

I appreciated your infos about the comunicaty center...thank you !!

All the best,Fabiola

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Oh I'm so sorry @Fabiola0 I thought you were Italian but you didn't know you were posting in the Italian section. My apologies.

Many members can definitely speak English and I do really hope they go back to you with the feedback you're looking for asap 🙂 


Guarda il video il video della sessione internazionale di Q&A con Brian Chesky!
Ehy, prima volta nel Community Center? Presentati alla community, leggi le linee guida e impara come postare responsabilmente.

Leggi gli articoli del Centro Risorse

Preparare la casa per gli ospiti
Consigli di host Airbnb Plus: come qualche premura può fare la differenza
Assistere gli ospiti durante il loro soggiorno