Art for sale on the walls of your airbnb


Art for sale on the walls of your airbnb

I am an artist in Northern California. I have a small house which has redwood walls just begging for some decoration. Since I am a painter and I enjoy the process, I have many paintings. Although I am in a gallery I do try to sell them in other locations.  


A few things I'm wondering, though:

1 - what if a guest or a guest of a guest took a painting with them when they left?

2 - I'm curious if anyone adds paintings on to their walls which are for sale? And how would you process that? 



Top Answer
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Micaela202 

I hope you also get some replies from hosts who have tried this, as I don't have artworks for sale.

However, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't display your art inside the Airbnb and add a price tag. I don't think it's any more likely to get stolen than other items (generally, items rarely go missing, especially large items). If a guest would like to buy a painting, you can use the "request money" feature at the bottom of the booking to enable them to pay through Airbnb. I think it's a good idea for someone who is an artist and a host, and you should try it and see how it goes!

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Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Micaela202 

I hope you also get some replies from hosts who have tried this, as I don't have artworks for sale.

However, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't display your art inside the Airbnb and add a price tag. I don't think it's any more likely to get stolen than other items (generally, items rarely go missing, especially large items). If a guest would like to buy a painting, you can use the "request money" feature at the bottom of the booking to enable them to pay through Airbnb. I think it's a good idea for someone who is an artist and a host, and you should try it and see how it goes!

Hi @Shelley159

Partly I worry that it seems a little sales-ey, as in "slightly obnoxious"! But, that aside, I would like to move some paintings to others, who might enjoy them!
If I were to use the "request money" feature, it would be in response to a direct query from the guest? Sorry to ask, but I'm new to this!



I think especially if related to your area, a remarkable memory keepsake.  A great idea and the fact that they actually met the artist just makes it even better.  

Though stealing probably won't happen you are snart to recognize the opportunity is there.   Just like the gallery you use, get a business insurance policy specifically for the paintings,  An insurance agent familiar with that type of property and value probably has good ideas to reduce risk. 

Presented nicely as a guest I wouldn't receive as a pressure to buy but as a compliment of my host sharing something incredible they have.


Thank you for that!  Many of my paintings are of the local area, and that is a nice way to think of it! I'm sure you are right about guests not being likely to steal. It sounds like that is pretty uncommon. 
I will definitely check into insurance for the paintings. 


Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Yes @Micaela202 

I would suggest a sort of standard tag for the paintings: price plus (in small print) "please message me if interested". When they let you know they want to buy something, you can explain that you will request that amount on the app.

Thank you - good idea! 


I would suggest if you sell do it as a seperate business transaction outside Airbnb.  Through your gallery attachment or a separate business entity.  Money received on the Airbnb Platform is  reported to the IRS has vacation rental income which has different tax rates then selling a product.

It will be difficulted if audited for the IRS to approve business expenses, time and materials for a product to rental property income.

I am sure your gallery has terms and conditions to protect them selling art.  On Airbnb Platform, you don't have that protection.

Thank you for the logical sense to separate the two types of transactions. It didn't seem like selling items was a normal part of Airbnb. I was thinking there was some distinction, but couldn't put my finger on it. 

It's an interesting idea. I was planning on airbnb another home of mine and needed something for the walls. And wondered about contacting a local artist (I'm not an artist) to place on the walls as consignment. But I'm not sure if an artist would even want to do that.

Few things  I would do though, is:

a) market the house with some type of art theme, so the guests knowing what they are coming 'Smith St Art House'...helps promote...ensure the art is also nicely captured in situ with the furnishings

b) you need a price range, or market as affordable art. last thing you want is a message of interest, but then the price tag to scare away. 

c) Have a nice message in the foyer or wherever they walk in, that the art is to be enjoyed. Thats it. If they really enjoy it, it is for sale, but absolutely no pressure not to purchase. Just want you to enjoy !


Hope this helps regs MK

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I have stayed at a couple of Airbnb's that have art and crafts for sale by the owner with a price list of items left in the visitor guide @Micaela202 


really depends on your price point and style as to how likely they are to sell .