Cleaner Wexford

Level 1
Kilmuckridge, Ireland

Cleaner Wexford


My name is Paula, and I just started renting my spare room in Kilmuckridge, Wexford while I travel. I have a friend staying in the house feeding my cat as that seemed the easiest rather than find a place for the cat and a cleaner. But, he doesn't want to do the cleaning now so I'm a bit stuck. I may have to come home if I can't find a cleaner. I tried to find a cleaner originally but couldn't find one that was flexible enough. Does anyone have any advice on this? Or ideally, a flexible cleaner?


Thanks so much 


1 Reply 1
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Paula2728, I hope you're well 😊

As this is a global forum, it might be tricky getting recommendations for cleaners in specific areas. Local Hosts might know some first-hand trustworthy companies or people to help you with all that. You can join the nearest Local Host Club to connect with fellow hosts local to your area. Here's the link to join

Hope this helps!



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