Hate Photo Tours

Level 2
Alberta, Canada

Hate Photo Tours

Is anyone else furious about the rollout of photo tours and or figure out if there is any way to opt out?

I've called but the women I had seemed to feel it was impossible while other threads of claimed they were able to go back to previous layouts. 


Wondering if airbnb is are aware of how much hosts hate the new photo tour update.. where the photos are all wrong in the wrong rooms.. where you can't even name a room to your liking.. it is absolute garbage.

We have a huge foyer because we host skiiers - so we have an enourmous room for their equipment. We can't list a foyer, or entrance, or even storage room. None of those are options. 

We can't put the photos back in order even though we've spent a great deal of time sorting them that way in order to present a tour of the home. We can't list things the way we want to etc and thats in addition to the disaster that is the calendar. 


so unhappy. 

Pretty sure were seriously considering leaving the platform all together and strictly listing on the other ones.

Can't believe how much they screwed up so many peoples listings.

7 Replies 7
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Taryn89, I just wanted to drop in to let you know that you can edit your photo tour by adding, deleting, or manually sorting photos into different rooms. You can drag and drop photos to rearrange them within a room. Soon, you’ll also be able to instantly update your tour when you add three or more photos. You can find out more information in this article from the Help Centre.  Hope this helps! 😊



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Thanks Sophia - I get that but it’s still been hours of rearranging them in multiple listings after “smart AI” deposited three beds into one room, squished two bathrooms into one, and there’s no option to name a room to your liking or create a room. For us we have a huge storage entryway for ski equipment that’s a big thing for large groups - no option to name entryway, foyer or even storage. There is the option of bowling alley 🙄 the photo tour is hot garbage.. at the very least we should have the option to opt out. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom


Thank you @Taryn89 I will pass on your thoughts and concerns to the relevant team. If would like to, you could write your feedback on this form. I’d also like to let you know that we've just launched our Q&A thread regarding the 2024 Summer Release, where there's the opportunity to raise constructive questions to Christy here 😊



Please follow the Community Guidelines

totally agree. we have 4 listings on arirbnb going back over a decade. 400+ 5-star reviews. The new coercive PT has scrambled our carefully arranged images into a nonsensical mess. No way to opt out. No way to effectively complain. I called airbnb. Nothing. We too have specific images (ocean views, cool architecture, proximity to parks) that showcase our property's virtues and those images keep getting pushed deep into the listing's slide show.


Im furious and frustrated.



Hi @Julie-And-Rich0 & @Taryn89 


Although you can't simply delete the photo tour, there is a work-around if you want to use it. The photo tour only works if there is at least 1 photo in every room. Simply move all the photos from a room to additional photos (don't use the bedroom(s) as you need the sleeping arrangements (bed type) to populate the thumbnail and Where You'll Sleep section).


Then click the all photos tab at the top and you can then drag and drop photos in any order you want. This is easier to do on a computer instead of your phone. 





Thanks! We’ll give that a try. 

I would love to opt out of photo tour. I made the mistake of accepting it the first time, and watched it scramble into something that didn't make sense. 

So I manually put it back how I wanted it. But of course, every time I go in to photos, it asks me if it wants to sort again, and I say No everytime