How do you juggle hosting duties while working as well?

How do you juggle hosting duties while working as well?

Hi Everyone, Happy New Year!

I'm Raju, originally from Karnataka, India, and now living in Florida. I'm a new host and excited to learn any great tips from this community. I'm currently work from home while hosting.
I've found it manageable to balance both. I'd love to hear how others are juggling hosting duties while working as well!

18 Replies 18
Level 10
Manila, Philippines

Hello @Raju48 


I currently manage my own listing and co-host while juggling a second job as an artist creating custom works for clients. I enjoy meeting and greeting my guests in person whenever time allows. However, if you’re a remote host and can’t personally attend to your guests, I suggest finding a trusted co-host. This could be a relative or a friend who shares your values and commitment to hospitality. To motivate them, consider offering a percentage of each booking. This not only incentivizes them to work hard in taking care of your property but also encourages them to provide excellent care for your guests.


Use tools like smart locks for self-check-ins or automated messaging systems to handle guest inquiries promptly when you or your co-host are unavailable.


Even if you can’t meet your guests personally, small touches like personalized welcome notes or local recommendations can enhance their stay

Hello @Raju48, working from home is the balance for me while hosting. I am not saying working outside is not a balance. It is just easier to manage. Yes sometimes, it can be a bit overwhelming but we have 2 co-host that help as well. Maybe get you a back up, especially if you go on vacation. My co-host have helped alot. It is a great that you can vacation and still host and respond but sometimes a break is a break. Don't stress or tire yourself out. Be upfront as best you can. Some guest don't understand that we are not available at midnight like a hotel. We love hosting. Service is truly a humbling and fun experience! I believe we are all called to host! 😀

Level 2
Cape Coral, FL

Hey @Raju48 

I'm Rory, founder of RPSummitExcel! We currently manage our own properties in Florida and are now offering our co-hosting services completely free of charge. Our goal is to help property owners create exceptional guest experiences without any added stress.

Level 2
Gaborone, Botswana

Clearly to host is not a full time job. What i find as key is for the host to welcome the guests upon arrival, and make sure they settle in.  In this regard  one should arrange the guests' arrival  to suit their availability to meet them. My experience is that once the guests have settled in they want to be left alone.