Hello! My husband and I are new hosts. We have a hot tub and...
Hello! My husband and I are new hosts. We have a hot tub and above ground pool that we are giving full access to guests. Does...
Hello fellow airbnb hosts,
I have paired my august lock with my airbnb listing but i have no idea what it does to my guest's itinarary?
I've had august lock for over a year now and it has been paired with my airbnb for about 3 months now and havent notice any difference.
nobobdy of my guests mention it and when i ask them they have no clue what im talking about.
What is your experience? Am I missing something here?
Thank you!
Answered! Go to Top Answer
August’s Airbnb integration isn’t as straightforward as it first appears.
Step 1: ensure your listing has a step check-in and check-out time. Otherwise you may not have the correct times for guest access.
Step 2: within the August app, enable Airbnb integration. Menu > August Access > Select Airbnb.
That’s all the setup a host does upfront.
When a a guest makes a reservation, they receive an email from August with a link in it. The guest MUST create an account with August or login to an existing account.
The guest then also integrates their August and Airbnb accounts in the same way that the host did (Steps 1 and 2)
Once the guest has their account linked with Airbnb, the host’s August account will show the guest added to the lock for the duration of the reservation. The guest will also have a new lock in their app that they can access. (Belonging to the host.
I’ve found that most guests don’t set up accounts prior to their stay. Instead, I manually add them with passcode-only access. At that point, the Airbnb integration is moot.
Just mentioning in @Adam173 here, so he gets notified about your reply @Ken28. 🙂
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
No worries @Ken28. It's nice to see you. I didn't realise you knew so much about locks. 🙂
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
@Lizzie... that expertise it wasn't by choice. It is an acquired knowledge gained from a weekly cycle of August invitation emails and guests that ignore them until they arrive.
hehe! That's clearly where some of the best knowledge gets acquired, @Ken28 🙂
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
Can some Give me advice on how to send a Guests email with instructions to download the August App, create an account, and connect it to their Airbnb account
Sorry for the late response. I just noticed it. Did you have your question answered or figure it out?
Now Airbnb does it for you if you link your August app to Airbnb.
But I always have a back up plan for either guests that are not the main guests in the reservation and want app access or when the guest does not get the information in the message system and I have to enter their info manually into the August app
August has a pre written dialog on their site someplace. I use the following.
Do you use a Smart Phone? Hopefully you do...
We use an August Home brand deadbolt lock on our front door which is operated by your phone so no keys are necessary. If you set this up in advance you can familiarize yourself with how it works.
1) Download the Free "august Home" app from an App Store. Https://august.com/pages/app
2) Run the app and create a personal profile with username, password and picture if you want. Select “I received text invitation “ “Do not” select you “I received an Airbnb invitation”.
3) I will use your mobile number to activate and have an Invitation sent to you which will allow you to operate the door's deadbolt lock from your phone while you are staying with us. It is really easy to use.
4) We can also go over all of this when you arrive as well.