How to price an igloo evening with food and drink?

Level 2
Mytchett, United Kingdom

How to price an igloo evening with food and drink?

In short, we have a self contained flat. Breakfast is now provided to them upstairs by means of milk in fridge, cereal, porridge and a few essentials eg salt, pepper, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, ketchup, mayonaise etc. However, we have been doing igloo evenings in the garden that consist of a basic hot meal in a slow cooker as the igloo has a fridge and heater as well. They are allowed to use it between 6pm and 10pm every third evening. Normally, we give them a bottle of wine (asking them their preference with white or red). Now we are confident and I have food hygiene qualifications, we would like to charge the evening out at eg £35 including wine and desert. Can this be priced as an 'extra'? We have also done special birthday evenings. We have asked guests to state how much money they would spend on the evening but none wish to commit to an amount as they are repeat business clients. Only one said she and her boyfriend would expect to pay something like £150 for the evening. We just don't know how to market it separately. Has anyone done this type of thing before?

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

Wow @Wendy1563 , this sounds like a really cool experience.  From reading your post, it looks like the guest would not be staying overnight.  Is that correct?  If so, it certainly would be something that would be great to setup as an Airbnb Experience and market that way BUT unfortunately, the creation of new Airbnb Experiences has currently been paused.  You can read more here:


As far as pricing, if you are providing a bottle of decent wine and desert, I would expect to pay at least £50 - 70.




Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Thank you for your response @Dave-and-Deb0 . We normally have a three day overnight rule due to us being so meticulous with cleaning to our standards. We were thinking of doing this for someone staying overnight on one of those three evenings. Thank you for letting us know that Airbnb Experiences has currently been paused. That is a shame. Appreciate you saying at least £50-£70 per head. The wine is decent - we know what we are buying and when there is a special deal, we go for it.



@Wendy1563 Sorry, I was thinking  £50-£70 for a couple.  I am from Canada and that would equate to about $84-$120 CAD which I would think is fair.  Again, just what I would pay as you described. 


Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Thank you so much for your response @Dave-and-Deb0 . The wine we normally provide is worth £12 per bottle. Typically, we issue one bottle per person. We now have five core menus to cover nut allergies, gluten intolerance,  pescatarian, vegetarian and good old meat meals. This comes in the form of a main meal (in the local UK pub closeby) they would charge around £15 per person for the main meal and £6.25 per person for the dessert. On top we would have £12 per bottle so that makes £66 for a couple not taking into account the electrics with the igloo and taking no profit on the wine. Maybe we need to have a re-think.