I need help a host/online help to look over my Air bb site

I need help a host/online help to look over my Air bb site

 Im trying to make sure everything looks nice and it would  be great if I could get some help 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Bolton, MA

@Ryan3790  Super cute place Ryan!  Just a few suggestions.  You have a ton of duplicate photos a total of 81.  Half of them are dupes.  I would clean that up.  


Love your invovative TV hanging in the closet 😊  Looks like there is a hanger bar.  What I would do is have some hooks mounted to the walls to the left of the TV.  That way if people do want to hang things they don't have to push to the side to watch TV.


The toilet lid covers, 😩 They are just germ and stain catchers and are likely a turn off to guests.  They used to be all the rage I know. 


Love pic 64 with the pup.  Maybe have a pic of you and the pup in a more neutral space vs the bedroom. 


Looks like you have 31 day stays.  Who is your avatar guest?  Traveling nurse, business exec, Surfers?  Speak to them in your listing and description.  Use Chat gpt.  Example would be:

I have an adorable bungalow in Huntington Beach California.  My best guests are XXXXXX.  Please write me a listing description that will appeal to these special guests. 


Hope this helps!

