Hosting Apartment the people need has given me happiness. Wh...
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Hosting Apartment the people need has given me happiness. When a customer enjoys the apartment and amenities and decides to c...
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So I’m new to hosting. I have a home and guests have their own room and bathroom and we share certain spaces. I have pretty pricey smart washer and dryer. I have recently had a few issues with guests not adhering to some rules when it comes to the washer and dryer. I have it clearly stated that guest must be briefed on its use by the host before they use them. Guest just proceed to use them, putting detergent and softener in the drum when the machines self dispenses. 🫣 I have also have guests doing laundry every other day or doing 3 or more loads per day.
I would like to update my laundry rules to the following to minimize wear and tear on my appliances lower utility costs. I would love some feedback
1. Laundry services are restricted to guest staying a week (7 days) or more.
2. Guests are limited to 2 loads per wk.
3. Guests must not operate the washer and dryer until they have been briefed by the host.
@Patrice472 I find it quite amusing that machines are now so clever that people need special training to use them. Clearly simplicity is no longer a design requirement.
Having said that a few thoughts
1) Can you not have a simple laminated sheet of instructions for the guest taped to the machine?
2) Perhaps consider charging $X per load rather than limiting usage. An honour system would hopefully not be overly abused.
Hey that could work but I have already it in the rules that guests must be briefed prior to use and they completely ignore it and go ahead and use it incorrectly. I will definitely try that though. How would charging per load go? Would I collect the payment directly from them? That’s something I would like to avoid lol
@Patrice472 I would just leave a jar for payments - Some will no doubt abuse it but most will not.
Many ppl in the US don't carry cash anymore but you could send them a request for add'l funds via the Airbnb app (of course that could be added to your taxable income). Perhaps offer payment via Zelle, Apple Cash, Venmo, PayPal, etc.
Yes. I would just leave venmo ID.
@Patrice472. This is a great topic to raise.
As suggested here by @Mike-And-Jane0 a laminated set of instructions (WITH PICS) might help, but realise you are going to need to step up the maintenance yourself after each stay, including a regular drum clean. I also like to directly Dynamo label things: maybe try this for the dispenser
As both a STR and LTR landlord I think wear and tear and misuse of appliances goes with the territory (we also have generous tax deductions here and good working appliances attract better rentals/guests (I've had compliments about the quiet dishwasher and fridge).
Thats why I never have very expensive appliances (and remove them where possible for LTR). Firstly the damage and secondly most manufacturers wont cover the warranty if its being used in a STR (which they define as commercial use).
As a whole house guest staying a week I would not like to have your new laundry rule limitations- we get families who like to be able to wash stuff regularly as well as do a washing day of multiple loads before they leave when travelling but appreciate its your own place. We also provide multiple outside drying options so we find the dryer is rarely used unless its been raining the entire time.
If its a cost issue then better to build into price than ask for extra money imo. Hotels dont offer free washing services and people choosing homes know this.
Just my 2 cents 😉
Awesome thanks for the input. As a new homeowner with new appliances, I’m really torn. I’ll make some changes to my listing
I'm a homeshare host and include one wash for hosts staying a minimum of five days every five days and show them how to use it when I show them around the property.
instructions are also in my visitor guide
additional washes are available on request at £5 a was subject to availability of the washing machine and drying facilities
I've seen a few "One week, One load," and many people removed it from the amenities to avoid confusion.
Two loads per week are generous, but I keep thinking, if they can do two on day 7, why can't they do one on day 4?
I would never send them to the laundromat, which, even two blocks, is time-consuming, very inconvenient, and can get expensive if you add detergent, softener, and dry sheets.
I was about to do it for three days or more; now, after reading all these comments, I am still thinking about it.
My machine is a built-in unit inside the entire bathroom. Since it is very visible and approachable, I feel they'll see it and want to do laundry every day.
that’s a shame, however, I would laminate directions that clearly state:
“ these are self-Dispensing machines and do not require detergent however there are special instructions. Kindly contact your host prior to using them as damage to either machine can and will be charged unless Instructions and pre-authorization for use is given.”
Love this!!
Plenty of good ideas here. We have an older washer & dryer which are quite simple to use. The use between guests seems to even out with some not doing any laundry and some doing multiple loads per week. Would it be convenient and comfortable for you to welcome guests when they arrive and go over the instructions? Maybe having a face-to-face conversation will encourage guests to carefully follow the protocol. I suppose you could start charging guests after check-out for additional time spent cleaning out the machine as well (and note this in the listing instructions so they are aware). Ah the joys of dealing with people 🙂 Wishing you the very best!
Thanks for this!
I try to avoid extra charges and restrictions.
I would increase your base price to include what you would charge for laundry ($5/night .. or whatever seems right to you so you feel good about the wear and tear, water, detergent use etc.)
Post clear instructions on the W/D, and remove temptations. (For example, if the WD auto-dispense, then don't have extra detergent sitting around, instead store it in your private spaces).