Limited Network Connection

Level 3
Lawrenceville, GA

Limited Network Connection

Hello All,


We are located in the mountains, when you arrive to our cabin you have limited or no network connectivity, depending on service provider.  We send a welcome package on how to access the cabin and also provide the WiFi name and password.  Today we had a group arrive and they could not get into the cabin.  They could not access the Airbnb messages since they had no network connection.  Customer had to drive offsite to get a network connection to access the Airbnb app to get the door code. We do have a note stating there is limited network connectivity.  Not sure what else to do to help prevent this from happening again. 

2 Replies 2
Level 2
Athens, Greece

Hi! You should call them well in advance or send them SMSs or messages on WhatsApp/Viber and make sure they read them well in advance before they arrive. Inform them about the problem

I did not know we could communicate outside the Airbnb app.  That you for the information.