On August 2 I had an issue with one of my listings. I have an incinerator toilet and a guest put a bunch of garbage in the toilet. The guest ran the toilet causing it to smoke. The incinerator could not keep up with the amount of smoke. I have signs that say no non flushable items in toilet. I a small garbage can that says non flushable items. I go over this with guest before so I have no issues. It still happened guest told Airbnb he thought the toilet was going to blow up. I’ve had my account paused. Since that date. I have been contacting Airbnb continuously and all they tell me is they are investigating. How do I get this resolved in a timely manner. 17 days seems too long. For an issue a guest caused.
Hi, the guest damaged your property and Airbnb paused your account. Is the toilet damaged as a result of the guests actions? If so report them to Airbnb. It’s a toilet not waste disposal. This matter should be resolved ASAP as your loosing revenue as a result. I’ve two rooms and if it happened to be. The potential revenue loss would probably be €2500. A big hit for some a guest caused
Still has not been resolved! It’s been 21 days. I was asked to write something up explaining how to use the incinerator toilet. Also I had to agree that it wouldn’t happen again. I had removed that listing replied to their email immediately and also in my support chat. I was told investigation was completed I just had to do what the email stated. My other listings are still paused. Yesterday she said they were still investigating. What the heck is happening!