Mini-split/fan remotes

Mini-split/fan remotes


I have fan and mini-split remotes and I do not want them getting lost. Any ideas of how to attach them to the wall permanently? I see alot of magnetic ones but I am wanting them to stay on the wall so they don’t get lost and I have to replace them often. Thank you! 

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


The first question would be do you need a remote because permanent attachment is no longer a remote you can't carry around?

Since it is variable items, usually the best solution ideas are with the variable manufacturers, they may have already been asked.

Top Contributor
Sintra, Portugal

Hello @Ashlee117 ,

We use wall-mounted remote holders installed near the light switch at each room or space entrance. Guests often remove the remote and leave it on the bedside table for their convenience. The empty wall holder serves as a reminder for guests to return the remote to its place and also helps us identify if one is missing. We’ve never had any issues with this system. While guests occasionally take small items, they have never taken an air conditioning remote.