Modify Yale Access welcome message to guests

Level 5
Ann Arbor, MI

Modify Yale Access welcome message to guests

We are new hosts and are using the Yale smart lock with Yale Access and Airbnb integration. Guests guests are now automatically supplied with a unique access code to the lock immediately when confirming a reservation — they can also the Yale/August app for Bluetooth access to the lock. An automated message is sent within the Airbnb message system providing their unique code and explaining the options for accessing the Airbnb lock. Once set up, the functionality is very nice! I’m very impressed! However, I’d like to modify the default message that goes out — it is quite long.


Is it possible to modify the automated message that is sent out about the Yale lock integration and instructions to guests?

Top Answer
Level 3
Chicago, IL



So I just spent $1,000 on these locks after hearing the exciting news that they integrated with Airbnb. After setting the first one up I quickly realized how it wasn't going to work well with guests and the obnoxious automated message. Thankfully I do use Guesty to manage my listings. Although I was trying to get away from using a channel manager due to the extra costs, I found that Guesty does exactly what you all are looking for with the automated code messaging. You're able to send messages from Guesty, through Airbnb and customize the timing and message itself. Whew! Guesty will use either the guests last 4 of their phone #, or check in/out dates whichever you set it to. When creating the message, just use the tag (Guest Phone Number - Last 4). I just set this up so as of now I can't confirm how well it works, but Guesty does a very good job with it's messaging platform, so we should be ok.


So for now I'll be keeping the channel manager just for the codes (about $35/mo just for this), but I think it's going to be worth it in order to avoid guest confusion and negative reviews. We still absolutely need Yale and Airbnb to fix this because we shouldn't need to use a separate channel manager just to send codes when there's already an integration set up.


Good luck all!


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77 Replies 77

How do you turn the integration off or stop this message from Yale ?  TYIA 

Level 2
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Following. Been looking for the same answer. Most of my guests always end up asking me what's the key code because it's buried in unnecessarily long, useless message. 

Level 2
Nashville, TN

Totally agree.  The messaging part of august is awful  only because the message is so long and also I can’t use the lock code in another message.  I’m toying with killing the integration all together and just making a static code which totally defeats the purpose other than the messaging problem this is a great product. 

@Airbnb  this is a widespread problem and people are abandoning an otherwise great tool because the templated text is so terrible. Please prioritize a solution — even a simple, easy solution — to this problem. Thanks! 

I may just start replying to this thread weekly / whenever I have a  guest get confused by this system.  It's happened 3 times this month alone!  I really nice looking label on the door that says.  "YOUR CODE IS IN THE FIRST MESSAGE IN YOUR AIRBNB APP"

Level 2
Indianapolis, IN

Late to the conversation but yes, I agree as well. Would love it if @Airbnb could communicate to Yale Locks how cumbersome this for us hosts. Having even some basic control over the content of the message or when it goes out would be SOO helpful.

Level 1
Miami, FL

I strongly agree with all of you too. Im jsut pissed cuz now they have my money and I can’t just go with another brand. @Airbnb I am yet another user who is extremely inconvenienced by this feature of Yale. We know you have the power to fix this, they owe their biggest share of users to you. 

it’s understandable if they want to include a link to their app, but maybe they can create a shorter message option like 

“here’s your access code: 1234

you can also unlock the door using the app

[link goes here]”.


Level 1
Miami, FL

And if Airbnb won’t do anything about it, we should start a petition! 

Maybe we can get their ear on Twitter if @Airbnb isn’t responsive to the requests here. I don’t have a public twitter account, but that might be effective… 

Level 4
Melbourne, Australia

It is re-affirming, to see I am not alone with my frustration but also annoying that so many of us are having to suffer for such a long time with this problem.

I had installed August long before it was taken over, and I very rarely used to have a problem with the auto message - It simply worked a treat! 

Since Yale took over I think I have had only ONE guests who was actually able to find the code by themselves - and they only found it by chance after much searching!

This problem has been around for too long now.

I found this community trail as I got frustrated again, because I just had another guest saying: "What is the code? I have gone through everything and can not find it?!"

The unprofessional and counter productive email template used by Yale does NOT serve its purpose - It never has, and it never will in its current format.

I have had 100s of calls and messages since August was taken over. If its not user friendly, then  change it to something else! - I do love the August lock, but like everyone else here I am immensely frustrated with the unprofessional message sent by Yale - If only 1 guest in 100 understands Yales message -  Then IT IS CLEARLY NOT WORKING!

PLEASE @Airbnb can you address this urgently, as it reflects very poorly on Airbnb as well! Guests just want ease of use, that is what Airbnb stands for, so YOUR input into, and some control of messages linked should perhaps be part of what you address with Yale. 

PS: Does anyone know if there is an independent Link/Automessage App which could be used instead of the hopeless YALE offer?

- Or if there is another way we can get around this problem? 

Thanking you in advance!

Cheers Jytte

Superhost at Forana Phillip Is, Vic, Australia

Jytte (=Utah)
Your Friendly Airbnb Host
Level 2
Nashville, TN

Just had another person get confused and not know where to find the code for the door.  Fix this issue August/ YALE!

Level 2
Houston, TX

@Airbnb , Yale/August Support

I am a super host and I too am disappointed in your lock integration. There is clear support here for making improvements to your system. Third party integration software has no problem giving hosts the flexibility to choose the messages that are sent to guests as well as the codes that are used. If I can use a third party app to automatically create lock codes using last 4 digits of the phone number on the account, then that functionality should be available to use through your integration as well. Please respond to the community with any plans or steps you are taking to address this issue. 

Level 2
Taroona, Australia

I literally purchased August because of the advertised integration. 

First message went to a booking today and I’m mortified at the instant message that gets sent!! 

can’t even time it, let alone edit it. 

easily solves with a ‘short code’ option for the generated August PIN so that hosts can control the timing and content of the message


Come on AirBnB, acknowledge our concerns

Level 2
Arlington, VA

+1 - this would be immensely wonderful. Also would love to schedule it relative to check-in vs the second the booking is confirmed.

Level 2
Denver, CO

A bit late to the conversation here but we are really struggling with this same issue! It is such a poor customer experience to get off on the wrong foot. So many guests don't know how to follow these clumsy instructions, several of them are looking for our lock box and no one at Yale is willing to make changes to the terrible wording. It seems my only options are to either not allow Yale to update the lock (ie keep this passcode unsafely available to previous guests to use after their departure) so that Yale can no longer contact my guests with this annoying message) or to manually update and message the guests myself (a ton of work for me!)