Hi Elise, As guests only smoke outside it is not too much o...
Hi Elise, As guests only smoke outside it is not too much of a problem. I do have (much to my husbands annoyance) a small t...
Hello Everyone,
I am a newbie here. I have a small farm in Massachusetts. I am looking for some advise. I have rescues, Horses big and very small, chickens and steers. My yard isn't manicured. and at times my Miniature Horses roam free. Is this a do or don't looking for any advise
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Good Morning @Mike-And-Jane0 ,
Thank you for your response. Yes 100 % on the description, i don't want to mislead anyone, and have a bad experience. I would feel awful.
Thank you for your time,
Shayne & The TillieRose Gang
@Shayne30 just describe what you have carefully and you should attract like minded people.
Good Morning @Mike-And-Jane0 ,
Thank you for your response. Yes 100 % on the description, i don't want to mislead anyone, and have a bad experience. I would feel awful.
Thank you for your time,
Shayne & The TillieRose Gang
Hi @Shayne30
Will the guests in your accommodation have access to your farm /your rescue animals?
I think as long as your accommodation is of a decent standard for the budget and you are clear that the rest of the property is a working farm you should be fine.
Clear photos and descriptions are key.
You could do some market research and see how others who have holiday accommodation on working farms describe what they offer.
Hello @Helen3 ,
Thank you for taking the time to respond. Yes i love when people ask about and have interaction with my animals. I am working on expanding and offer other experiences.
Have a wonderful weekend
Shayne & The TillieRose gang
That's lovely do look at what pricing model you can use . It could be a good fundraising income to help with your rescue animals @Shayne30
This is a perfect opportunity to offer experiences for an extra charge!
I stayed in a farm house in Iceland and the farm offered horse back riding for an extra charge and we absolutely booked it!
If you are not wanting to offer experiences with your farm animals, just make sure you are very detailed and thorough on your house rules and guest expectations. I would have your animals not free roam during guest stays if its avoidable.
Hello Good Morning @Kerra3,
Thank you for your response. My situation is very interesting. i do plan on letting guest interact with with my sweet animals. My dear fiancée of 12yrs died very suddenly j just days before we were to marry, and my animals have brought me such comfort and healing.
I see your from TN we lived in clarksville, TN not far from Nashville. Again thank you so much for reaching out.
Shayne & The TillieRose Gang
Airbnb put a hold on experiences over a year ago @Kerra3
But absolutely something she could offer privately.
Shayne, Assume you have agriculture liability insurance? If you don't you could land yourself in really big trouble if someone gets nipped, stepped on or worse. I have a farm stay in eastern CT I have a check in form which has a fairly lengthy liability waiver, which basically says they won't hold me, family members, farm works or my LLC liable. I wouldn't let the minis roam, people are not typically accustomed to that and could get injured or, worse, injure your horses. I also have in my house a "How to Engage with the Animals" I don't want them assuming all foods are OK to feed my animals. Again assume people know absolutely NOTHING about basic farm life. Feel free to visit 100acreinn.com and look at my house rules and waiver as a model.
Hello Good Morning @Kimberly718,
Thank you for your reply. This is exactly what i am looking to hear!
our laws here in MA, Equine Professional's are not liable for injury to, or the death of a participant in any equine activities, under section 2D Of chapter128 of the general Laws, However unfortunately because of the times and the way of how some people are your still at risk. I do have farm coverage witch includes liability. I am in the process of setting up a Release and Hold Harmless Agreement. I do have signs that i must put up around as well.
I will look at your house rules and waiver as well , thank you. I want to say all so your comment about the minis, and food especially Miniature horses are so sensitive to getting cushings.
Again Thanks allot for this information Kimberly, Have a great weekend
Equine Facility laws are fairly standard throughout the US but I have still known people who find ways to sue. And they only protect you if your animals are fenced and you have signage posted, but it's still not a bad idea to CYA with a check-in/waiver of liability.
Hi Good Morning @Kimberly718
Thanks for your response. duly noted. I tried to find you to look up your house rules and wavier. I can't find you...i must be doing something wrong. can you tell me again your farm?
Thanks a lot,