My property

Level 2
Syston, United Kingdom

My property

I have just received a 2star review which I wholly dispute. 
The host initially informed us that the internet was not working, we were able to sort this problem out immediately. 
They also complained the house was dusty (not dirty) I visited the house prior to the guests arrival which was BEFORE the housekeeper had been. The house was not dusty and infact smelt very pleasant which was something else the guests had complained about. I pride myself on ALWAYS ensuring the house is clean and safe. The guest mentioned his asthma has worsened during his stay which whilst I understand, this can be for a variety of reasons NOT JUST DUST, this I find is very concerning as I feel I cannot be responsible for the guests asthma control and if this is a potential risk, suggest Airbnb review their safety policy to include asthma management and control !!!!! 

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


My perspective when a guest complains about something I have no ability to control or validate olr discount like what someone smells.  I treat the same way I would want to be treated if I said my hotel room smelled. The hotel sniffing the room an d saying it doesn't would make me angry whether I am lying or not.

I tell Guests if you find a smell bothersome or your asthma is acting up.  Please contact Airbnb Support requesting medical cancellation, they will assist you. lol  The Guest never do and my last one who didn't realizer my disclosed smoking would effect her asthma, extended for 2 months and gave me 5 stars.  

if someone really thinks Cilantro tastes like soap doesn't matter if I say doesn't.  If someone is lying than they are probably very good arguerers, I don't even bother

Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Justine413 

In the 2nd sentence you accidentally typed "host". You can change it to guest, hopefully some hosts can give input to help, as the post is about a review from a guest.