Hello Everyone,I am looking to replace the mattress in my ai...
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Hello Everyone,I am looking to replace the mattress in my airbnb i have had both positive and a not so good review from one ...
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As a host and guest I feel that it's important to be able to offer and search for properties that offer cleaner living spaces. As a host, we offer organic breakfast and use non-toxic cleaners, hypo-allergenic soaps and detergents, and other various plant based (chemical free) products.
If you are interested in AirBnB offering new ammenities that allow hosts to specify that they provide a cleaner living space, I would kindly ask you to submit some feedback to AirBnB. https://www.airbnb.com/help/feedback
Thank you for comming to this thread!
Feel free to use my feedback as a template to edit for submission:
I would like to mention I believe there's a niche that could be fulfilled by allowing hosts to specify whether they use hypoallergenic soaps, organic non-toxic cleaning supplies, serve organic food, etc. We operate an AirBnB and have so many guests that comment how they love that we have an organic lifestyle, the food we offer, and they enjoy the products we use to clean and have available.
Therefore, I think AirBnB could offer some new amenity options that allow guests to search for hosts that offer cleaner living spaces. I know as a guest I would find this very helpful, as I have sensitive skin and have been known to breakout due to certain detergents used or soaps provided.
As a guest, I also, would prefer to be able to sort and easily book a place--willing to pay more to a host--that supports cleaner living and uses non-toxic (chemical free) items.
Thank you for considering my suggestion,
Make sure you let AirBnB know if you would find informing guests helpful. Feedback link provided in post! Thanks for your comment! I haven't seen those particular products in our local stores.
@Barry-and-Lera0 wrote:@Chris225: We use mostly Young Living and Seed Phytonutrient products.
While it sounds good in theory, Defining "cleaner living" "non-toxic" "good for planet" is extremely arbitrary and political, rather than scientific or analytical.
We all use soap because it IS toxic.
I would prefer Airbnb keep its fees low by not wasting time and resources defining "cleaner living".
You are welcome to differenciate your listing by using American P/C phrases and pointing out that you work for Greenpeace.
Thanks for your reply @Paul154. I'm not suggesting you (or all hosts) have to use this feature, nor that guests have to stay with hosts that do. Only that some may find this resource helpful or useful to them.
No need for catty remarks or categorizing me to a group of people or organization.
Please, by all means host how you want to host, I'll do the same. Thanks a bunch, and may you have a good day.
Not true. Watch STINK and get back to us. It’s full of science and on Netflix. Thanks for the mansplaining.
@Adele46Thanks for the mention I'll check that one out. Haven't seen that one yet.
I am a breast cancer patient. 8 of 10 breast cancers are not familial—they are caused by the environment. We need to be asking questions. I have been doing research on consumerism health and the environment for 30 years. Toxic chemicals in petrochemical-based air fresheners, cleaning products , soaps, beauty products, and pesticides (to name a few), bio-concentrate and bio-accumulate in fatty tissues (such as breast), creating synergistic and multigenerational effects. All tested fetuses have toxic chemicals in them. Given a choice, I’ll take plant-based, ethically sourced products. Take it from me: you don’t want the cancer. And take it from my friend with MS: you don’t want the Neurotoxicity Disease, either. Plus, drilling for petroleum is not such a good thing. Thinking we might want to leave it in the ground.
@Paul154 I have been desperately trying to find a way to search for nontoxic, fragrance and chemical free locations because I have severe allergies and autoimmune symptoms. I currently have to travel with all of my linens, cleaning products, air purifiers and my hepa vacuum cleaner. Then I spend the entire first day trying to get rid of air fresheners, linens washed in fragrance, etc. and trying to clean the residue and air out the rooms, replace all the linens. I have to carefully pack all of their toxic items into trash bags and find a place to store them. It's exhausting and miserable so I rarely travel. I would be so thankful to have a way to connect with hosts who offer an environment that would at least be easier for me to acclimate to.
YES!!! Our shipping containers are ecofairtrade — also fragrance-free. I have submitted such feedback, several times. There should be a category. Hell, there is ecobnb (check then out)... let’s make it happen!!!
@Chris225, another great post and I agree wholeheartedly, although admittedly it might be difficult to regulate - so many people think they are using non-toxic and ecofriendly products when they aren't thanks to poor regulations over labelling. Anyway, have a look at this recent thread: https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Hosting/Love-to-see-a-new-way-to-rate-hosts-and-guests-starting-...Maybe you could add some of your suggestions there and tag Lizzie.
Thanks for sharing @Kath9. We are starting to get some great discussions on this in the CC, it would be fantastic to hear more hosts thoughts and ideas on providing more eco ways of life and suggestions for the Airbnb platform. 🙂
As Kath suggest @Chris225, it would be great to hear more of your thoughts, perhaps you will like the conversation in the links she has shared. Thanks so much.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
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Lizzie, please bring this to the attention of your accessibility officer. They left out a HUGE portion of the disabled population, those with environmental and pet allergies. Up to 30% of the general population suffers from migraines and asthma. Products such as fabric softener, febreeze and scented candles can trigger an attack at any moment. People who are undergoing chemotherapy are also extremely sensitive to artificial fragrances.
I strongly urge you to add a filter for “eco-friendly” homes, those who are committed to using only all natural products.
I also urge you to add a filter for those with pet allergies (a sizable portion of the population as well).
Please consider adding these filters. It’s not only good for guests’ health, but for the environment as well. Thank you!
It's not really realistic because how is airbnb going to do determine whether X cleaning product is 'non toxic' or 'organic'? And then you will have people complaining that they booked a fragrance free, organic non toxic place, but they found something that they felt was inappropriate. Airbnb isn't standardized, so it has no way to verify any products or whether hosts are using them 100%.
Better to simply showcase that a listing uses organic products, fragrance free, no toxins or whatever on the listing and then people can book or not book.
It would be helpful if airbnb improved it's search function to make it easier for people to select for things like this that are not part of the filter options.
We use the same laundry detergents for our Airbnb as for our personal laundry. I am not allergic to scents but I hate the smell of perfume on bed linens. I also noticed the large amount or plastic waste that we were generating by using regular liquid or powdered laundry products. We recently switched to Tru Earth laundry products (made in Canada). They consist of small sheets that you put into the washer 320 loads comes in a small box and is available unscented. As for the dryer we never use fabric softener. Placing 4 pure wool balls in the dryer will cut the drying time in half and allow the towels and linens to fluff up naturally. Do you iron your sheets and pillow cases? We do and many guests have commented on this as an added touch of luxury.