Plastic Free July is a global movement that is gathering momentum around the world and every day consumers are more aware of the plastic waste they create and that includes guests. I realized, as a sustainable Host, I can show guests that I care about reducing the amount of plastic waste in the world by taking a number of steps to reduce plastic in our listings.
When upgrading items in my Airbnb, I consider looking for items that are not made of plastic and ways to reduce plastic consumption. Some items I like to consider are :
- Washing Basket: choose a cane or wicker basket over a plastic basket. When the basket does eventually break the cane or wicker basket can be added to a compost bin and will break down. The plastic washing basket will remain as a lump of broken plastic for hundreds of years to come.

- Choosing metal clothes pegs over plastic pegs: Not only are metal pegs more durable but if they do break, they are easily recycled, unlike plastic pegs that degrade in sunlight and are difficult to recycle.

- Choosing a wooden/metal coat hanger over plastic: Wooden hangers look nice and add a nice feel to your listing and if they break, the wood will eventually be recycled. But a broken plastic coat hanger will be a broken lump of plastic for hundreds of years.

- Choosing blankets made from natural fibres such as wool/cotton: Blankets made from polyester and other synthetic fibres are made of oil so they are a form of plastic. Every time we wash polyester blankets they release micro-fibres into the waterways. I reduce this by choosing not to buy furnishing made of polyester/synthetic fibres.
- Supplying tea and coffee without plastic packaging: Some tea bags come in fine plastic tea bags. When we use these plastic tea bags, very fine plastic particles can be found in the tea we drink. We can avoid drinking plastic particles by avoiding plastic tea bags. Paper tea bags and loose-leaf tea can also be added to the compost bin.
Plastic tea bag, paper tea bag, loose tea.
- Consider buying in bulk from a bulk foods store and avoid packaging for amenities such as shampoo, conditioner, soap, dishwashing liquid, laundry powder, cooking oil, tea, coffee, and sugar. This is a great way to support small local businesses and reduce plastic consumption.

These are just a few tips that I follow in order to reduce plastic consumption in our listing.
What do you do in order to reduce plastic consumption in your listing? Have your guests commented to you about the steps you have taken to reduce plastic in your home?
[Although I am a Host Advisory Board member, these articles are written based on own my personal experiences and opinions as a sustainable Host]