Renting by room but whole apartment

Renting by room but whole apartment

Hi there

Is there any way to rent apartment but only charge what guests require.  For example 

2 people - one bedrom (they will be the only one in the apartment!). Rest of bedrooms will be locked. They will be charged $500


2 people need 2 bedrooms  - charge $600


1 bedroom $500

2 bedrooms  $600

3 bedrooms  $700 etc

Please let me know if this is double.  Thank you! Margaret 


1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Malgorzata30 You need to create 3 listings.

Listing A - 1 bed

Listing B - 2 bed

Listing C - 3 bed

But I think linking the calendars will be a problem. If you can't link them appropriately then keep the 1 bed as needing to request a booking and you should be fine