Response rate

Level 1
Montclair, NJ

Response rate

I’m new to Airbnb and recently had my first message yesterday. I responded and preapproved the booking within minutes but my response rate is still N/A. Is there a few days of delay?

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


There must be more cases to calculate the responstime and also their is a delay.

It will resolve in future days.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Alexis566, thanks for that great question!


Just a heads up that I've moved your topic to the "New to Hosting" board. Hopefully other beginners will be able to benefit from it as well. 😊

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Just wait, nothing happen fast with Airbnb. Need more time/people before the system can calculate. Hang in there and good luck hosting!