To hire a cleaner? And at what price? 1 br, 1 ba, small listing

Level 1
Lexington, KY

To hire a cleaner? And at what price? 1 br, 1 ba, small listing

Hey folks! I am new to hosting, recently opened up my listing and have been having good success booking. I believe it would be reasonable to hire a cleaner potentially but am looking for help on what would be an appropriate amount to pay someone orif anyone feels strongly for or against hiring a cleaner based off their experience with a similar listing. 


Listing Details: 1 bedroom, one bath, hot-tub, approximately 500 sq ft  cabin. Rural area. 


Averaging around $444 payout per booking, I have gotten one quote from a cleaner for 80 bucks per cleaning. 

1 Reply 1
Level 2
Reston, VA

@Liz6848 It depends. do you want to own a cleaning company in addition to an AirBnb? What I mean by that do you want to deal with the preformance issues, the hiring and the firing or do you want someone professional to run it? 


$80 seems very reasonable for 500 square feet, with a hot tub in a rual area that a cleaner will need to drive out to for cleaning your place