세탁소 등에 문의 하니 개별 비용이 만만치 않아 보여서요. 다들 침구류 세탁을 어떻개 하시나 궁금해요
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세탁소 등에 문의 하니 개별 비용이 만만치 않아 보여서요. 다들 침구류 세탁을 어떻개 하시나 궁금해요
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Hello everyone!
As we head into Autumn, the rain and wind are an almost daily occurrence here in Scotland, with the days becoming shorter and nights longer.
There’s nothing more enjoyable for me than curling up with a good book, or a good movie, when the weather is cold and wet. Sometimes I’ll even get bundled up and head out for a bracing walk in the heaviest rain, just so that I can come home and get cosy later on with a cup of tea or cocoa.
When guests are away from home, they don’t have access to the things they’d normally turn to on a rainy day.
Tell me, what’s in your rainy day for guests?
Perhaps you might have some interesting board games or a small library of books, or maybe you’ve got a couple of spare pairs of waterproof boots that guests can borrow.
I’d love to hear all about what you provide in your listing for rainy days, so please let me know in the comments!
If the forecast is for rain all day, we catch up on reading, enjoy lunch or dinner in a nice restaurant, or even take a walk with appropriate rain gear. If the rain is light, we play golf. Movies are an option, as are board games if you aren’t traveling solo.
We don't have many rainy days, but we do have plenty of games, cards, Netflix, Prime, cuddly blankets, tea, coffee and wine, and of course stargazing on a quiet evening. My favorite though are the watercolors and art supplies, not many have been used, but I'll hang up any art that guests leave.
At our ski house we used to offer firewood and hot chocolate for turning a blizzard into a romantic getaway..
@JennyWe have a good collection of books and extensive list of board games, but what we did a few years back is build a place where the guests could still be 'outdoor' during the rain and yet hang around together. It is basically an all-glass addition to the bar/BBQ area so they can cook and eat 'outdoors' in any weather. The thinking was guests could still find communal entertainment even in inclement weather.
P.S. Coincidentally, we are in Belize and storm Julia is about to hit south of us (Nicaragua), so we will get about 10 hours of rain overnight. I called the guests earlier today and offered them to pick them up and stay in town, their answer: "Oh no, we will be happy in the 'game' room watching the storm pass us by while we play cards."
We can get some torrential rain here, I always say to the guest sorry about the weather, Nobody has ever complained about it, many have said they came here for the rain.
The rain doesn't phase a lot of guests, especially those from NW U.S., the wind is the real downer.6
I think @Sudsrung0 that guests travelling are more aware of major seasons these days. We should be in our “build up” at the moment, but there has already been large quick storms, which are usually not associated with the build up, but the early monsoon. This week there was one with 137km wind gusts. I’m expecting La Niña is going to make for a very interesting wet season for us as well.
My rainy day kit for guests is that I assume that they are fully capable of amusing themselves (or not) and leave it at that. It rains when they're at home too. The amenities at my property don't change, regardless of the weather.
Wet weather specific items are golf umbrellas and when in a cyclone active season, a Cyclone Management Plan. But the umbrellas can be used all year round. They are large size for two reasons: small ones wouldn’t keep you dry and my visitors mainly all have rental vehicles, so it’s hard for them to forget to take them out before they depart. (I’d lose foldable ones far too often) 😁
I don’t do gumbos/wellies or other footwear as I’d be more concerned about sanitising them. What if you got a review from someone thinking they got impetigo etc from using them……
As it’s always hot here, my guests all have sandals or thongs. Lol.
We just happen to also provide all year round: board games, books (children’s picture books, adult fiction & non-fiction - but if small children staying, things like the chess set are up high on the bench. A couple of puzzles, but no jigsaw puzzles.
We have a smart TV in the living space with a Chromecast toggle that caters for all levels of IT savvy, for mirroring from their own devices. We do not provide Netflix etc for guests as they can use their own accounts. However, we have a reasonable supply of dvds for adults to toddlers in the space if it’s all too hard. The two bedroom TVs (small and on wall brackets) also have a DVD input.
Spare pillows and some throws under the couch assist with the relax.
As we have a swimming pool, a wet floor sign is always in the laundry.
Some spare OLD towels for extra use be it on an outing or a wet season downpour.
Extra bath mats and a couple of dark ones for floor entry areas if very wet.
I keep puzzles for children and adults. Less than 500 pieces. Also games such as Yatzee that any number can play. I also have fresh Play Dough for children but adults can enjoy as well. I host on the lake so rainy days can be frustrating. I like the poncho suggestion and will add. If guests do choose to hike Glacier Park or another climb in the rain, an umbrella does not work, you need a poncho. Thank you!
They all tend to get out then use the washer dryer in their apartment to wash and dry their clothes. Some even mentioned that in the reviews how it was raining and the dryer came in handy. Most of the year guest go to the beach anyway and have several options for outdoor showers so they are constantly getting wet anyway from the ocean, or just sweat from the heat. They have cable, NF, some novels, and internet. Its also a nice view through the windows and nice to watch the rain. There are some other kind of inside things they can do or be able to duck inside or under cover. I've even suggested a few things if it looks like rain, and will consider more suggestions. If they just get out they will be fine and get dry when they get back. Mine is only for 2 guest so probably wouldn't be that interested in board games.