Where should I get my white Sheets and Towels, etc?

Level 2
Berkeley, CA

Where should I get my white Sheets and Towels, etc?

My sister and I have been hosting for about 2 years now.  Our biggest headache is getting good quality white bedsheets, pillow cases, comforter covers, bed protectors, towels and bath mats.  It has been a big learning experience for us.  We started using colors then realize that it’s not easy to remove stains.  So, now we want to stay with whites.  Unfortunately, whites are not easy to buy at the store. And, they do not look good after a few wash due low quality materials.  I was told whites are not a preferred choice for homes.


I have been asking housekeeping staffs at various hotels.  They recommend high quality cotton with 300 or more threads and avoid non-cotton. They also recommend adding a cup of bicarbonate of soda to the wash.


I do business in China. I came across linen factories that make bedsheets, towel, etc. for hotels.  What we need is someone who can supply premium hotel quality products in small quantity to AirBnB hosts at factory prices. I am thinking of spending some time convincing a factory to cater for us (AirBnB host) with an easy way to order online. 


Actually, if indeed we are using top quality bedsheets and towels, it may be a selling point for us to include it in our AirBnB listing.  Since we all are hosting for AirBnB, we should be able to use the AirBnB logo with the word Premium in the product.  Am I wasting my time here?

Let me know if you have better way to deal with bedsheets and towels.  

1 Best Answer
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


We do use pastel coloured sheets because I do feel they look better for longer. Never heavy or outrageous colours, just subtle.

All my 4 linen sets are 1,000 and 1,900 thread count because they do have a very much smoother feel and this enables me to have them Scotchguarded prior to use which, although makes them just slightly starchier, this is offset by the silky smoothness of them.


Kevin our bed is the hero of the listing, it cost a lot of money, is 8 ft long (had another 10 inches built into it) it is electric and has massage motors built into it. It is a real one off, and I wanted linens and pillows and accessories that would do the bed justice. Without fail every guest comments on how good the bed is and many of the reviews say it is the best bed the guest has slept on.

Kevin I would recommend the highest thread count you can get. They do not have to be expensive! We have a large habedashery chain here called 'Spotlight' and great quality linens can be bought there for less than $100 per set. You have to remember there could be that guest around the corner who will ruin your freshly purchased linens. I am sure you would have similar chains in the US.

Stain treatment however is a must! We have had all the regular things like wine, blood, make-up to contend with, but the stain treatment makes short work of getting out even serious stains without having to resort to bleach which does make sheets look very used in a short amount of time. Just a quick rub with Sards wonder stain spray and into the wash and they come out perfect!

The other thing to consider is 'wear and tear'! Don't expect these linens to look at their sparkling best after 80 washes....they do deteriorate and we see posts from hosts that are all up in arms saying they have not had a problem in two years of hosting and someone just poured a glass of red wine on the sheets and now there ruined how do they get the guest to pay! If you have got two years from a set of linens that is more than enough life, just replace them and realise that there is a useful life to everything....it's not always the guests fault

So, in short, don't botherrt going to China......best quality you can buy, coloured, and stain guard....and Kevin you won't look back!


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44 Replies 44

How can you get the coupon?  Thanks!

Level 10
Bragg Creek, Canada

Hi @Kevin247 I think you've got a good idea and there might be quite a bit of interest from other hosts in your idea. As you say "if indeed we are using top quality bedsheets and towels, it may be a selling point for us to include it in our AirBnB listing" - I thought so too! BUT ...

I got my sheets from Au Lit Linens in Toronto - 100% Eygptian cotton, milled in Italy (the very best mills), high thread count, and I paid a pretty penny for them. I put the cards that Au Lit supplied beside the beds and promptly had several sheets stolen! The guests replaced them with very similar (but much cheaper) white sheets from my linen closet & I didn't notice until I did inventory some weeks later. I didn't keep track of where the Au Lit sheets were & when they didn't show up in the laundry, I assumed they were in the linen closet. 


So, my advice: ok if you want to advertize your beautiful high quality sheets but be sure to remove all other white sheets from your property so guests can't do a switcheroo. I've removed the cards and now I leave only (cheaper) coloured sheets as extras should they need fresh linens. The white ones are then easily noted as missing, if they are. It's really awful that guests would do this, but I really think leaving the cards advertizing my beautiful sheets only served to get them stolen. 


And white all the way for me - and high thread count 100% cotton, they last longer and it's much easier to remove stains. It's totally host preference though. Some here love the coloured sheets and that's great too. - Karen

Hi Karen -


Sorry to hear about the guest switching out the good linens.


I actually have since got more educated about linens.  First of all, there isn't a standard on threadcount (TH) and the type of cotton.  So, manufacturers can put what they want.  There isn't any association or business group certifying the TH and type of cotton.  The most important issue i found is breathabilty of cotton sheets.  There are two kinds of weaving - parcale and sateen.  Parcale sheets are said to be more breathable.  Second, there is the issue of chemical on the sheets to make them look less wrinkle.


The sheets that you really want to use is parcale at about 300 TH.  Breathability is the key.  Any TH more than TH will make the sheets less beathable.  Without anti-winkle chemical or micro-fibre - so it will have some wringles which for people who the product would love it.  The wringles actually make the bed more welcoming.

I think BRANDING is key as Airbnb becomes more saturated.  Today, Airbnb has SuperHost but it's based on the host responsivieness and reviews.  It does not take into account the sheets and how we deliver the product (PLACE) to our guests. Highend hotels, on the other end, are rated based on sheets, spotless condition and the special attention to detail put to the room.

Recently, a new company WanderJuant was founded in San Franchico, to make a brand on AirBnb.  They are going about to contract/acquire properties to put on Airbnb.  They want to furnish the properties with the furniture they selected and I am sure they are going to standardize on linen etc.  For us (hosts), these are our future competitors.  Actually, what WanderJuant wanted to do is not new.  They are known as Service Apartments and they are all over major metropolitans in Asia and Europe.  They are alreadey in AirBnb and more will come.

Several companie have posted on this thread tried to plug  their products and online ordering website.  Sure they sell sheets, etc, like Target and Walmart.  I believe we have no problem finding sheets.  The issue is return on investment to get good quality sheets.  If we invest in good linens, how can get rewarded for our action (not having the guest swapping them out). 


If we are not going to figure out how to provide better products and services, other people like WanderJuant and Service Apartment companies will step in the grab all the good opportunities, and independent hosts will become bottom feeders.

Level 10
Las Vegas, NV

Ive found great sheet sets online through ebay. The key is paying attention to the make sure you are getting 100 percent cotton.  Most hotels in Vegas get their sheets through a company called Standard Textile. You can find them online. The sheet sets aren't cheap but they hold up to 100s of washes, but they are a pretty penny. You cant have it all as they say.

Level 2
Snohomish, WA

After reading comments, I've been shopping Amazon for 100% Cotton percale sheets 300-400 TH.  I'm new to Airbnb and I'm wondering if the wrinkling mentioned in reviews will be a turn off to the vacationers?


I suppose you would need to iron them ?

I have not used them yet, but some reviews share that even with ironing, it may not remove all of them.



I have to say I love the Threshold Brushed 100% Cotton Sheets from Target.  These sheets are exceptionally soft and have held up well for our family.  They also come in organic cotton.  I buy them seperately and mix and match the colors.  I've been doing a black bottom sheet, white top sheet and mixed pillow cases, blanket and white coverlet.  I offer dark cases in the hopes of avoiding mascara stains.  I will not use chlorine bleach.  Chlorine causes cancer.  Vinegar and baking soda work well to whiten fabrics and oxygen bleach won't harm you or the environment in the way chlorine bleach does.

I love the look of white bed linens, but I'm just not sure guests will take care to keep them stain free.  So for now it's a combination of colors for me.  But hey, I've only been doing it for a month - we shall see!

Oh and ironing?  Who has the time?  A spray bottle with water will be your new best friend.  Spray, shake and smooth!

Hi @Teresia1


The reason that the standard for hotels is a cotton-poly blend is exactly because of the wrinkling issue. Unless you are going to be able to remove them from the dryer immediately and put them on the bed still warm, which is unrealistic for most hosts or even when they're using a cleaning service, you are likely going to have issues with wrinkles. 


We own and operate a towel and linen company, selling hotel quality textiles to the smaller boutique hotel, bed & breakfast, and vacation rental clientele. We sell to larger hotels and resorts as well, but our website caters to the smaller wholesale accounts including independent hosts. 


Most hotels, even 4-5 star ones, aren't using 100% cotton unless they have a special (and very expensive) press that they can run the sheets through. Instead they use a high quality, cotton-poly blend, usually 60/40 or 70/30. 


I do know some hosts who go the extra mile to use 100% cotton linens including the extra care that requires. It may or may not be noticed by your guests as generally they are happy with the quality hotel sheets I'm referring to.

Level 4
Newport, OR


I too think there is a market for quality linens for Airbnb hosts.  I think it is a fantastic opportunity to be explored, especially with your connections in China.  Thread count is not as important as folks have been led to believe.  I'm in sales if you want to talk through ideas.  Why dig for gold when you can be Levi Strauss instead?  Much more money to be made supplying thousands of hosts, than renting a few houses.  Frankly, I'm surprised Airbnb hasn't taken this one on themselves. 


Level 2
Massachusetts, United States

As anew Airbnb host I have learned more about thread count and sheets in the past few weeks than I ever knew. I decided on 620 thread count 100% cotton. From Bed Bath and Beyond. And similar sheets as "backup" from Costco. About $60 per set. I decided on all white. I just really really hope that I do not have to replace them too often.

I also found good prices for Duvey covers at HomeGoods. And white towels from Costco.


Another host told me not to leave extra lineans and towels in the closet because she had a guest that literally used every towel in the house and she was doing laundry for days. Not sure why someone would do that.... but I guess that is what I will learn as a new host! 

Level 1
San Diego, CA

I've had to stop my rentals due to my HOA.  I have queen and king sheets in white, towels for three bathrooms and other things I'd like to sell.  Any suggestions on how to do that or if anyone has a blog or website ?.  I was only in business for 5 months, so most of the sheets are unused. 

Honestly speaking thread count is not important when it comes to sheets. You need a bright white crisp sheet and bright white towels, mostly we buy non-iron finish sheets as we don't have time to IRON. Have better things to do than ironing 🙂


We buy wholesale towels & luxury hotel sheets T-300 is more than enough for us they look more like T-600 with the soft and smooth touch  from towel depot 

@Dan302 you are correct here! Airbnb guests love when  properties are stocked with hotel quality linens and towels, and the hotels do white for a reason, particularly the practicality of stain removal as compared to a coloured product.


We own and operate a company that sells hotel quality linens and towels with an online wholesale store catering to everyone from larger resorts and vacation rental management companies to individual airbnb owners.


We have been leaning more towards specializing in the airbnb host market just because I find that it is an underserved market or at least many don't know where to find consistent high quality products at reasonable prices. We are doing just that and offer free shipping with minimum orders all over USA and Canada. Come check us out at www.towelsdirect.ca


Level 2

Hi Guys,

I am a new host and would like to know if there are any common rules for reolacement of bed sheets and towels.

Say, a guest is coming for a week. Do I need to provide extra set of towels?

If he comes for more than a week, what about the bed sheet.

Appreciate your advise

