Your rating for my accommodation place

Level 2
Cairo, Egypt

Your rating for my accommodation place

Hello, I am a new host and I would like you to evaluate my place of residence and give me your advice when receiving my first guest through the site. Thank you. 




[Content updated by Community Manager]

6 Replies 6
Level 2
Melbourne, Australia

Hi @Eman1482 ,


First of all let me tell you that you have a beautiful house. I would recommend getting a professional shoot done, every space I am looking at looks bit crowded even the bathroom because of washing machine.


Do not post a pic of closed shower screen unless it's a clear glass. 


Dining table next the wall and just at the entrance can be a turn off for some guests.


Overall, you can provide some welcome drinks and snacks for the first guest to make it look bigger event for your place and a good experience for the guest.




Dear @Puneet26 ,


Thank you so much for taking the time to evaluate my listing. Your feedback is invaluable to me as I strive to provide the best possible experience for my guests.

I'll take your advice and consider rearranging things to create a more spacious and welcoming atmosphere.

I'm also grateful for the tip about welcome drinks and snacks. It's a thoughtful gesture that can make a big difference in a guest's experience.


Thank you again for your helpful insights.


Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


I think the 5 cover photos should not display the toilet.  It is a beautiful apartment but your not showing me that right away

Dear Marie,


Thank you for Your feedback, which is invaluable in helping me improve the experience for future guests 

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi there @Eman1482, I've added a tag with Marie's name to your comment. To tag someone, tap "@" and select the host's username from the dropdown menu. This way, they will receive a notification 😊



Please follow the Community Guidelines // Volg de communityrichtlijnen


Thanks for the tip on tagging. I'll definitely keep that in mind for future comments 🤝