account set up

Level 2
Sunderland, United Kingdom

account set up

I have created a new account in error and my original account has all my reviews and ads etc.  I want to get rid of the new account I do not need and keep the original.  It is causing me problems to have this new account.

2 Replies 2

Hi Harry,


To resolve the issue of having an unnecessary new Airbnb account alongside your original account, the best course of action is to deactivate or delete the new account. Here’s how to proceed:


Steps to Deactivate or Delete Your Airbnb Account:
1. Log In to the New Account:


First, ensure you are logged into the new Airbnb account that you want to get rid of. Be careful to log into the correct account to avoid any accidental changes to your original account.

2. Navigate to Account Settings:


Click on your profile icon at the top-right corner of the Airbnb homepage.


Select "Account" from the dropdown menu to access your account settings.


3. Go to Account Preferences:


In the Account settings, look for a section labeled "Account" or similar, where you can find options to manage your account’s details and preferences.


4.  Deactivate or Delete the Account:


Within the Account preferences, there should be an option to either "Deactivate" or "Delete" the account.

Deactivate: Temporarily disables the account but retains the data for potential reactivation in the future.

Delete: Permanently removes the account and all associated data. This action is irreversible, so ensure you are deleting the correct account.

5. Confirm Your Action:

Airbnb will likely ask you to confirm your decision to deactivate or delete the account. You might need to provide a reason for your decision. Follow the prompts to complete the process.


6. Check Email Confirmation:

Airbnb usually sends a confirmation email when an account is deactivated or deleted. Check your email associated with the new account to ensure the process has been completed.

By carefully following these steps, you should be able to remove the new account without affecting your original account, thus resolving any confusion or issues caused by having multiple accounts.


I hope this helps!


All the best,

Upfish Management

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hey @Alicia753 👋


Just a reminder that if you type "@" and then the username, this will tag the member that you're replying to. This ensures that they get a notification that you've replied to them specifically 🤗 



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