reducing the price of my property and boosting it

Level 1
Cape Town, South Africa

reducing the price of my property and boosting it

reducing the price of my property and boosting it

1 Best Answer

Sure, I do this one week at a time, because I work part time in the town where my house is located and I stay there Wed and thur night, if I’m not booked for the upcoming weekend by Wed of that week, I do a 20% off promotion for Friday/sat/sun/mon/Tuesday nights . This brings my  listing to the top of the search with a slash thru the price. I’ve almost always booked 2 or more nights this way. 

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5 Replies 5

@Murad21 With the slow in bookings during this season, reducing your rate might help. Also, regularly compare your prices with similar properties in your area to ensure competitiveness. You may also consider the following that may help you get more bookings. 


-Consider offering last-minute booking discounts to fill unbooked dates.

-Review and adjust your cleaning fees and extra guest charges to ensure they’re not deterring potential bookings.

-Ensure your listing description is detailed, highlighting unique features and amenities.

-Encourage guests to leave a review after their stay. High-quality, positive reviews can boost your listing’s ranking. Hope this helps! 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hi @Murad21, welcome to the community 😊


Are you seeking strategies on how to apply discounts during low seasons?


One of our amazing Hosts, @Dawn241, has explored some strategies related to discounts. Dawn, would you like to share some of these strategies with Murad.


All the best,



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Sure, I do this one week at a time, because I work part time in the town where my house is located and I stay there Wed and thur night, if I’m not booked for the upcoming weekend by Wed of that week, I do a 20% off promotion for Friday/sat/sun/mon/Tuesday nights . This brings my  listing to the top of the search with a slash thru the price. I’ve almost always booked 2 or more nights this way. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Thank you so much, @Dawn241 🌻


@Murad21, please keep us posted if you decide to try Dawn's strategy 🙂



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Level 1
Cape Town, South Africa

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