Has anyone ever had to contact customer services? I have recently had cause to and for a week I've been sending messages that have gone unanswered. I have sent a message daily asking for an update and they are seemingly just ignored. I never get a response. Frequent calls to the call centre end in the same way
Me: I'd like an update on my claim that I submitted over a week ago
Airbnb cust servs: I apologise for your inconvenience and thank you for your patience. You case is being looked at by a case handler
Me: you said that yesterday and the day before. I just want to make a claim on the deposit that I charge for damage that my guests caused
Airbnb: Your case is being handled by Christina and she will contact you soon
Me: You've been saying that for a week. You promised me on Friday that she would contact me in the next 24 hours. That was 96 hours ago. What is to investigate? I specify the deposit. I have submitted a claim for damages with evidence. It is my deposit since I am the one who decided the amount and specified the requirement. Why is it so hard to get my hands on what is rightfully mine? Why don't you have better policies for dealing with this? I've been a host for a long time and I've never had cause to claim against a deposit. Have you returned the deposit to the guest?
Airbnb cust servs: I'm afraid I can't help you with that. I understand your frustration and I thank you for your patience
Me: Are you empowered to do anything to help me?
Airbnb Cust servs: No I'm just here to offer assistance and advice
Me: How do I escalate this? How do I now make a formal complaint?
Airbnb Cust servs: What do you mean escalate / make a formal complaint?
Me: I mean how do i move this up the chain to somebody who can deal with complaints
Airbnb cust servs: I can do that
Me: Apparently you can't
Airbnb cust servs: You can submit a feedback form and a case handler will contact you
Me: Bangs head on desk