Issue when I add bank detaik

Level 1
Paris, France

Issue when I add bank detaik

Hello, I am rent a house with Airbnb and when I try to add my bank details to my account Airbnb it's not working. Airbnb website redirecting me too And when I validated all my informations on this site (envoytransfers) it's redirecting me on the "paiement method" page's. I don't have an confirmation or an message which tell me I'm doing bad. It's just refresh the page.
2 Replies 2
Level 4
Las Vegas, NV

If you are using the app, try reinstalling the app and making sure it is updated. If you are using a desktop, make sure to use a google chrome browser and clear the caches and cookies.

Level 1
Paris, France

I was on my phone. Everything works now. I used my laptop. 

Thanks 🙂