Let's Make an Awesome Map at Airbnb Open 2015 !

Level 5
Tokyo, Japan

Let's Make an Awesome Map at Airbnb Open 2015 !

Hello, everyone. I'm Jack from Tokyo.

I'm going to share one of my ideas at AirbnbOpen .

My session is about "How to make an awesome map".


If you haven't yet get a map for the guests, please visit my session.

There are two session on first day and second day, which both start from 14:00 o'clock.

You need to make reservation to join my session in advance.

Hope to meet many talented airbnb hosts at once.AirbnbOpen2015_HowToMakeAnAwesomeMap


2 Replies 2
Level 10
California, United States

Great idea, Jack.  I hope this will be available as a video or tutorial afterward, for hosts who weren't able to make it to the open? 

Level 5
Tokyo, Japan

Thank you for all joining my session "How to Make an Awesome Map". I took a video of my talk at Airbnb Open 2015. Please watch it if you have interest in a making map.

[VIDEO] How to Make an Awesome Map


As many atendee request, I'm going to make online class soon.

Please subscribe this topic and wait for update.




Thank you!

