I just got my SBA loan deposited directly into my checking account. I run an Airbnb business that earns approximately $50K annually. It has, in every sense of the word, dried up completely. In fact, the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors has made it illegal for me to actually host guests. My Airbnb income is used to supplement my low-paying job in property management and to help us try to make ends meet in a very expensive area adjacent to Silicon Valley. You ask how much was my SBA loan? A mere $1000. I was so insulted that I told my wife that I was simply going to return it to the SBA just on the principle that it is an embarrassment to believe that this is the SBA's definition of "relief" to a small business owner (where is Airbnb, by the way, in advocating for more Federal funding for Airbnb hosts? Sheltering in their San Francisco multi-million dollar apartments, I'm assuming). Let's be real. The Federal stimulus package was designed entirely for the big corps as a bail out, plain and simple. It's not meant for the small business owner. I guess I'll just use the $1000 for a couple of trips to Costco and call it a day. Disgraceful Airbnb! Disgraceful SBA!!! Disgraceful CONGRESS!!!