A recap of the April 9 Host Update with CEO Brian Chesky

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A recap of the April 9 Host Update with CEO Brian Chesky

CEO Brian Chesky kicked off this week’s talk with an update on the state of global travel: 4 billion people around the world are now staying at home, borders continue to close, and many airlines have grounded their flights. The travel industry is struggling, and we know hosts are feeling the impact.


But there’s still a lot to be hopeful about, especially when we look at what’s happening right here in our community. From offering accommodations to COVID-19 responders to sharing the magic of Airbnb Experiences from your homes, so many of you continue to find ways to host and connect.


Brian talked about all of this and more—here are some of the key takeaways from his latest Host Update:


An exciting milestone for our Frontline Stays program


Just two weeks ago, we launched our Frontline Stays program to offer accommodations for healthcare professionals responding to COVID-19 around the world. And we have been so inspired by the incredible response from our host community. As of today, you’ve already offered over 100,000 places to stay for COVID-19 responders.


The Frontline Stays program is just one more example of the tenacity and generosity of Airbnb hosts. We’re incredibly grateful for all you do. 


Clarity around our Superhost Relief Fund eligibility requirements

We’re happy to share that the Superhost Relief Fund is expanding by an extra $7 million USD, bringing it to a total of $17 million USD of support. Many of you are wondering why hosts with more than two listings aren’t eligible to apply. The spirit of this program is to help people who host in their primary homes, and we’ll be prioritizing hosts based on their tenure with Airbnb and how much their earnings have declined due to COVID-19. We’re planning to invite eligible hosts by May 15 and distribute grants by May 31.

In the meantime, we’re finding other ways to help our diverse community of hosts, starting with auto-granting Superhost status in July for anyone who was a Superhost in our April 1 assessment. That means if you were a Superhost in April, you’ll maintain your status regardless of your cancellation or booking rate. Learn more about the Superhost Relief Fund

Support for hosts who have Flexible cancellation policies


Last week, we announced that we’ll be investing $250 million USD to share in the cost of COVID-19-related cancellations. For hosts impacted by these cancellations under our extenuating circumstances policy, we’ll pay 25% of what you would have received through your own cancellation policy.


Since these cash disbursements depend on the amount you would have retained under your cancellation policy, those of you with Flexible and Moderate policies may be less likely to benefit from them. But we’re working on other ways to support you, starting with getting you more bookings as quickly as we can. We've rolled out a new search filter so guests can find your listings more easily, and we're making your listings more visible in other ways, too. We’re seeing signs that this is what guests want—the share of bookings with a Flexible policy is now 15% higher than it was before COVID-19.


A new way to connect: Online Experiences


After pausing Airbnb Experiences last month, we heard from countless hosts who wanted to keep hosting and who believed they could offer a similar level of connection online. So we’re excited to announce the launch of Online Experiences—an idea that came directly from our hosts! Online Experiences will allow hosts to earn money, share their passions, and connect with others, whether it’s an individual hoping to learn a new skill or a group of colleagues doing a team-building exercise. We’re also partnering with local organizations to bring Online Experiences to senior citizens who may be feeling lonely and isolated right now. Hosts are already offering Online Experiences like magic lessons, cooking classes, guided meditations, and more.


Interested in hosting an Online Experience? We'll be offering hosts personalized support services for curating, capturing, and sharing their online content. Learn more at Airbnb.com/onlinehost


Let’s stay connected


Your feedback has been more important than ever as we navigate this unprecedented time. So much of our response has been guided by your personal stories, questions, and suggestions, and we’re going to keep finding ways to connect with you.


We’ll continue to hold listening sessions with hosts around the world, and we’ll be bringing you a Host Update with Brian at Airbnb.com/live every week for a while. Next Tuesday, April 14, Brian will be getting insights about hosting and staying safe during the COVID-19 pandemic from Dr. Larry Brilliant, the epidemiologist who is best known for helping to eradicate smallpox. 


Thank you once again for being an Airbnb host. Please continue to share your thoughts and questions in the comments below, and we’ll do our best to address them in future Airbnb.com/live events.

85 Replies 85

I agree. They are totally off my map just like all the chrony driven Trump checks I haven't got...

Level 2
Nashville, TN

I couldn't agree more - such a small percentage of my bookings cancelled before the virus hit that the flexible policy didn't make that much of a difference and I was happy to help make things easier on others. But that doesn't mean that I wasn't counting on the other 95% of my bookings to help pay my mortgage and Airbnb is certainly making sure I pay for it now.

Level 10
Sellicks Beach, Australia

@Tom213  Not flash is it?  I changed our listing cancellation policy to strict as soon as the cancellations began coming in and not about to change it back to moderate or flexible anytime soon.  "Earn money even when your guests cancel !" so said the blurb.  Well, no.  Think many other hosts will also be going to strict / no exceptions from here on. 

Level 10
Albany, Australia

Thank you @Airbnb. I, for one, appreciate everything you are doing to help hosts. This must be an incredibly stressful time for you all, especially when your best efforts are met with nothing but criticism. Please know that many of us are behind you. Hang in there @Airbnb - this to shall pass!

Some people doesn't need these incomes to live! So they don't understand that Airbnb has ruined us and continues to do so!


This speech does not bring anything new, not a single extra measure for the hosts ! only hypocrisy! 

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Catherine2252 Airbnb has NOT ruined you, Covid-19 & a global travel ban has ruined you.


- I'm with the folks here who bemoan that BC has nothing constructive to say, but I disagree with hosts who think they are ENTITLED to a bail out.... BC's giving a gift to some, there will be winners & losers. (relatively speaking, we all lose, BC too.)... Funny, cos hosts always complain about entitled guests, and now hosts are being all entitled..... It's a terrible situation.... we're all in this together..... Oh gosh, did I just say that?!

Level 2
Santa Marta, Colombia

Primero quisiera comentar que aunque no hemos visto acciones concretas en relación a las ayudas que van a ofrecer a miembrxs de la comunidad Airbnb, debo decir que la reacción que he visto por parte del equipo directivo me parece una señal muy positiva para la comunidad. Veo que muchxs se quejan de que no ha sido suficiente o efectiva, pero no les veo resaltando el hecho de que, primero, Airbnb está reconociendo con su discurso que sin anfitrionxs simplemente no existe, nos reconoce como parte clave de la ecuación e intenta ofrecer soluciones. Y además, está haciendo presencia y apoyando a la comunidad. No veo a otrxs en el sector de los viajes y hospitalidad teniendo un approach como este, pensando en nosotrxs,  y eso se agradece. Por lo menos es mi vivencia siendo anfitriona en el Caribe colombiano, en una ciudad donde la mayoría de la población dependemos de lxs viajerxs. Por otro lado, me gustaría hacer una pregunta, ¿Qué porcentaje del Superhost relief fund irá destinado a anfitrionxs que dependemos de los ingresos de Airbnb y estamos en Latinoamerica? Me imagino que la mayor parte de lxs Superhosts están en Europa y Norte América, y en ese sentido quiero saber qué pasará con personas como yo que estamos en Colombia, somos superhosts y dependemos de los ingresos de Airbnb para nuestro sostenimiento. Gracias y un saludo a a quienes leen. 

Level 10
Greenville, SC

One good thing Airbnb announced is that if you were a Superhost April 1st, you will be a Superhost on July 1st regardless of guest count and ratings. A small thing, but something I had been wondering about.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Ratings too, @Pat271? I didn't get that.

In the meantime, we’re finding other ways to help our diverse community of hosts, starting with auto-granting Superhost status in July for anyone who was a Superhost in our April 1 assessment. That means if you were a Superhost in April, you’ll maintain your status regardless of your cancellation or booking rate. 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom


I guess peoples ratings will be fairly static as there are no guests to leave reviews. Only the year moving on by 3 months might affect the average rating.

Level 2
United States

I thought airbnb had a plan to allow hosts to buy their stock....that would be a nice way of showing gratitude...id buy as much as i could

That would be a great idea. Maybe we can get out if this alive if we are allowed on the ground floor of a stock purchase program.

@Lucimar21 @Esteban115  Why would you want to purchase stock in an unethical company that shafts its hosts? That just makes you one of them.

@Sarah977 i understand your frustration but coronavirus was technically an act of god and anything thats happening as a result has no precedent.