Airbnb 2022 Summer Release: What you need to know

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Airbnb 2022 Summer Release: What you need to know

Our 2022 Summer Release represents the biggest change to Airbnb in a decade. We’re introducing:


  • Airbnb Categories: A new way to search that makes it easy for guests to discover millions of homes they never knew existed

  • Split Stays: An innovative feature that pairs two listings when a guest searches for a longer stay

  • AirCover: The most comprehensive protection in travel, included for free with every stay


Get all the details on the Resource Center, and tell us: Will you be updating your listing for Airbnb Categories and Split Stays? How will you update it?

1,048 Replies 1,048

they don't care.....latest change they made, they deleted (on their own with no knowledge or communication with me),  all my calendar Syncs.  As a result I quickly had 5 double bookings to unwind.  Other sites showed teh booking made, but not Airbnb, so airbnb double boked them.  Took me hours to figure this out and then hours more trying to help my guests I had to cancel.  Who is the one who ends up looking bad here, to the guest?  Me or Airbnb?   

@Sybe @Stephanie Answers please, you're about to bankrupt people here. We deserve answers and for the CEO to come forward and explain the logic and be upfront about the bugs. You're causing thousands and thousands of dollars in damages for hosts. We deserve an explanation and to know what the plan is or if/when these changes will be reversed.

Level 10
Boulder, CO

Yes, I would also like to know is there going to be any resolution to this or is Airbnb going to throw a number of superhosts under the bus?



Same here !!!


and I can tell you that the complaints and host desperations are the same on the French side of the CC. 😥




@Sybe @Stephanie  anybody home?



Please don't harass the mods. They have zero control over what happened to hosts and are trying to relay messages the best they can.

It’s been a weeks with no response.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

Hi @Aj119 @Natasha-and-John0 , I understand that this is a challenging situation for some of you, and I can assure you we are still sharing all your feedback with the team. 


We are not able to provide answers to questions regarding why or if/when this will be reversed at this time, however as soon as we receive any more news we will let you know.



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Can you help me escalate that my two Vermont listings are showing up as being in London UK?


We live in Putney Vermont, and as you likely know, there is also a Putney just outside of London. My guess is the algorithm has conflated the two.  


I have posted about this several times and have gotten no help so far. I have a 4.99 rating and almost 500 five star reviews. I usually have daily bookings - since this happened I have had none. This is how I support my family. I’ve gotten no response, no information, no help. Can you help me escalate this?

links to my listings are below. Screenshots showing the “London“ designation are also below. If you click through to my listing page, all is well. But if you do a search for “Putney Vermont“, all listings in my town are showing up as London. This apparently is confusing enough that folks are not clicking through or making reservations for our entire town.

@Sybe ? Can you respond with your thoughts?


Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

Hi @Kathleen543 , that's quite strange indeed! I'm sending you a DM to see how we can best solve this.



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Level 1
Winchester, CA

Maybe I am a little late to the party here but since the update my inquiries have gone down dramatically. What can I do to help remedy this by working with the new update? 


Thank you  

Level 10
Katy, TX

Folks - if you got a lot of business from AirBnB before and now you aren't getting as much but other hosts are, then the system is working the way it was intended.  Chesky has stated they are trying to increase the overall number of nights booked by spreading them out between hosts.  ABB does not care about any particular property.


If AirBnB is getting less bookings overall from this new system and guests are going to other platforms, then the system isn't working and you'll see a revision.  I would expect the booking data from that to be revealed in a few months since ABB is now a public company.


And if guests book in the wrong locations because of the new system, that will start coming to light, too.  But it could be a few months to see the impact of this.

@Loretta126  Actually, he said he is trying to redirect guests to "less populated areas". 

Do you really think that "redirecting" guests to locations 150 miles from where they want to be is going to do anything except piss off guests?

If I want to book a stay near Washington, DC because I'm planning on attending a conference I'm not going to book the suggestion of Luray, VA.