Airbnb 2022 Summer Release: What you need to know

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Airbnb 2022 Summer Release: What you need to know

Our 2022 Summer Release represents the biggest change to Airbnb in a decade. We’re introducing:


  • Airbnb Categories: A new way to search that makes it easy for guests to discover millions of homes they never knew existed

  • Split Stays: An innovative feature that pairs two listings when a guest searches for a longer stay

  • AirCover: The most comprehensive protection in travel, included for free with every stay


Get all the details on the Resource Center, and tell us: Will you be updating your listing for Airbnb Categories and Split Stays? How will you update it?

1,048 Replies 1,048

I rather fancy a transatlantic trip to the Catskills... though not found via the new ABB search or categories or anything obvs. Laugh? Cry? Laugh while crying?



Well, I'd love to have you. Since it's virtually unfindable now, here's the link:


(It's under new management, so listed as "new" but prior reviews are posted in photos)

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

While the majority of us are mourning the views/enquiries/bookings we once enjoyed, we can however console ourselves with the unresponsive, painfully slow and irrelevant page of listings we see when we log on. Great job, Airbnb.

Screenshot 2022-06-03 at 14.25.17.png  

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

This is what happens when you ask a C-level person (or their partner) to design navigation. Have seen it before, with my professional hat on.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

If they farmed out category system to a separate area of site, a sub-brand or whatever, and left the rest as is.... But instead they have just screwed up everything.

Level 2
Edmonton, Canada

after 3 weeks of junk we finally started getting last minute bookings and some future ones. I tried snoozing the listing, changing picture, descriptions ect and that didn't do much but once I stared using their suggested price to a tee, it helped.


Could be a coincidence not to sure and I did both ways. If my price was lower then the suggested, I raised it. If it was higher, I lowered it. Thankfully, it was in the ball park of what I was expecting to rent the unit for so that was good.

Hey @Janelle-and-AJO so glad for you! Are you talking about turning Smart Pricing on?

No, I didn't turn it on - I just did it manually for two weeks out.

I am also wondering... I turned on smart pricing, I've never used it before... but seeing as I'm at half my normal price with no bookings I'll try anything. 
Or should I go through and change each price manually according to their suggestions?

I do think price is a factor. However, I think watching your number of views is more helpful. Are you getting views and not converting them to bookings or are views down?

Views are down, bookings are down. To give you some context, we've been doing this for 5 years with 4 units. We typically would average roughly 3800 views per month and a 96% occupancy, never canceled on a guest, never lost Superhost status. The day after the update, we started falling and went to 2100 views. Never happened before. A lot of people say the economy/inflation and what not but I think it's to coincidental that they release something and then it starts to plummet. 

Especially as its happening to superhosts across the board in exactly the same way. 

You’re not alone!  Same is happening to us.

There are still just as many tourists if not more than ever. It’s not that people aren’t traveling. They just shot us all in the foot unless we are a unique specialized featured rental. 

Price is never the problem.

if you offered a lower price, you’ll get other kind of trouble… I say it by experience:  

If you offer a really good service and a confortable place, you want People who give you an adequate exchange for it, otherwise they’ll become critical of what they received just because they didn’t pay for it.