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Hello everyone,
Over the last few months we received some feedback from several members in the Community Center saying that they have, on some occasions, had problems posting or sending a direct message, as a result of having the page open for a while. You may have been working on a long reply or perhaps you popped off to make a cup of tea for a while.
This often resulted in an error message asking to refresh the page and sometimes you may have even lost your carefully constructed message (which can be extremely annoying).
To help with this, we have added a pop-up message which warns you when your session is about to time out. This way, you will be able to finish your message or post, or copy it to make sure you don’t lose it. This will display in the public CC areas and also in your DM inbox.
Here is what the message will look like:
We hope that this small improvement will help you, please let us know if you have any feedback about how it works!
I tested it:
After 30 minutes of inactivity the message appeared, after clicking "OK, thanks" i was able to continue.
No idea how many time is provided to click on "OK, thanks" after the message appears.
I am finding that sometimes this message shows up repeatedly, even after I click to close it. Not sure why that is...
Hey @Emiel1, the time-out is set at 30mins as a default so that sounds about right. I believe the message stays there until you click 'ok' to acknowledge it.
@Huma0 thanks for reporting this! Just to clarify, do you mean that the message shows up, you click 'ok' and then it appears again straight away? Or is there a delay of another 30mins?
It appears straight away and repeatedly. This was a couple of days ago though so I would need to start writing something and leave it for a while to see if it is still happening.
I wrote to Airbnb help desk on Sunday 21st, with an issue, the response was that they were transferring the issue to another staff and I will get reply. I waited and nothing happened. I wrote again the next day and told that I had registered t his issue and that I will get response up to today, no reposes yet? is this normal in the present climate.
That is another type of "are you still there ".....
Maybe post your message as a new topic, as it does not belong in this thread.
BTW Airbnb CS is responding very slow these days.
Ok thanks @Huma0 - let me know if it is still happening, and if so then the details on how you're accessing the CC too, and I will report back to the team 👍
I didn't seem to be happening when I was on the CC yesterday. However, like @Sarah977 I find that the message pops up regardless of whether I am in the middle of writing a post or not. For example, yesterday I was just reading some other people's posts for a while and the message popped up I guess because I hadn't written or give a thumbs up for half an hour. I didn't get logged out, but guess I would if I hadn't clicked on the message?
Thanks @Huma0 - yes, my page has done it when I've highlighted something and then come back to it, so I think it may be appearing if you take any kind of 'action' on the page perhaps. I've fed this back to the team already 👍
@Katie I like that new feature.
But along with that change, it doesn't just happen when a long message is being typed. If I have a few tabs open on my computer and am toggling between them, and haven't clicked back onto the CC for half a hour, when I open that tab again, I find I'm logged out and have to sign in again. So that part of it, which seems to all be part of the same update, isn't particularly welcome.
Great, glad to hear you like this new feature @Sarah977.
Haha I am the queen of having multiple tabs open so I understand your way of working here 👌 What should happen is that when you go back to the tab that has timed out, you get the message appear, and when you click 'OK' you can copy any message that you are half way through typing, refresh the page (which logs you back in automatically) and then paste and post.
You could set up an auto-sign in perhaps, so that when you refresh it does it automatically?
If not then I could try and alter the length of time your account times out after (to make it an hour rather than 30mins, for example).
@Katie I'm not referring to having a post I'm in the middle of typing open and then going back to it sometime later. I mean if I go back to the CC tab at all it has timed out. I haven't tried just to refresh the page, I'll do that. But if you could change the time to an hour instead of half an hour, that would be awesome.
Hey @Sarah977, yes I'm also getting the message on all tabs so it must be the default to pop the message up as soon as the page has been inactive for 30mins. I tried to see if there was a way to change it just for your profile but unfortunately it's everyone or nothing, so maybe we can monitor it and if a few people prefer a longer time then I can update it for all.
Yes, try refreshing (and maybe having your browser remember your login so that it is automatic) 👍
sure it,s helpful