The Host Advisory Board members pictured above, clockwise fr...
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The Host Advisory Board members pictured above, clockwise from top left, are: Zamani Khumalo, Geoff Gedge, Arturo Blas, Anse...
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Hello everyone,
Thanks once again to @Alexandra316 @Jessica-and-Henry0, @Cathie19, @Clara116, @Ann72, @Roberta2, @Lawrene0, @Quincy, @Christine615, @Kimberly29, for a lovely meetup last Friday, it was fantastic to see you and to hear all about your local food delights. For anyone who missed it, we carried on the conversation here (there are some amazing photos).
This week, we are back on a North America friendly timezone. Our next social meetup will be:
Friday June 5th, 10PM (UK time)*
Friday June 5th, 5PM (New York / Toronto)
Friday June 5th, 11PM (Spain)
Saturday June 6th, 6AM (Seoul)
Saturday June 6th, 7AM (Sydney)
Saturday June 6th, 9AM (Auckland)
If you would like to join, please register before the start time using this specific link (this link changes each week so if you have registered before, you will need to do it again - sorry):
Not sure how to use Zoom? Check out this CC guide.
New to CC socials: For anyone new to the socials, it's a weekly online meetup where CC members come together to connect with each other and have a bit of positivity along the way. It's not specifically Airbnb focused and anyone new is very welcome.
Theme: in our last meetup we talked about have a cook-a-long, which would be amazing. I think we need a little more time to plan this one out and to go shopping, so we will plan that for a future time (we can discuss it more . This week, I'm happy to take any suggestions (one thing that came to mind might be books we love or recommend) or we can have a general catch-up. Let me know what you think. 🙂
Looking forward to speaking with you all.
Take care.
@Cathie19, @Lawrene0, @Robin4, @Melodie-And-John0, @Clara116, @Christine615, @Jessica-and-Henry0, @Ann72, @Kimberly29, @Roberta2, @Stephanie, @Quincy, @Gordon0, @Sandra126, @Helen3, @Helen350, @Yvonne609 , @Manasui0, @Kemi9, @Marissa107, @Wave-Autumn-Vine0, @Ryan350, @Suzanne302, @Ria16, @Ozge5, @Rochelle12, @Jason1350, @Ann489, @Yadira22, @Alexandra316,
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
@Lizzie and all....... as you probably expect..... I will have to miss this week's call since there is no way I'll be up at 6am on a Saturday morning. Lol~~~
I will be heading up to Seoul this weekend to spend a few days with Henry at home and looking forward to eating home-cooked meals that are NOT from a pouch :-))))
I had suspected this @Jessica-and-Henry0 🙂
Nice to hear you are heading home this weekend, I'm sure Henry will be pleased. I hope the home cooked menu is delicious.
I hope you journey goes well.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
Where else would I be at 10pm on Friday night?
I don't think I can make this one, @Lizzie , but for a fun reason. I will be canoeing -- locating and recording mudpuppy habitat for the provincial ministry of the environment. I don't expect to be back by 5, but if I am, I will show up muddy and bug-bitten.
Sorry to miss everyone. I really enjoy these gatherings.
What a great way to spend the day @Lawrene0, good luck with your search–although from what you have said before, you have a keen eye for knowing where to find them. 🙂
I hope you don't get too many bug bites. Out of interest do you know any natural ways to prevent bug bites?
Hope to see you, but if not see you at the next. Enjoy.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
Water levels are too high today, so back early. See you in a few hours! And, no, I have no secrets to preventing bug bites. Bugs like me only a little, so I haven't been motivated to investigate.
hi and thanks for the invite but I am going to be getting an early night- saturday is going to be full on for me.
I love books and have been pushing myself to learn more and try different genres- so any recommendations are welcomed! When I was a teenager, I would read a novel in about 3 days... I really miss this.
I would love to know about the cult hits from around the world. Am working on creating a book based bucket list! Please share those recommendations below if not too much trouble. Thanks 🙂
I hope you enjoy your early night @Yadira22 and feel rested. I hear we are going to be having a bit of rain this weekend, so I might hibernate and get my fluffy winter jumpers out again...although it might not come to this! 🙂
If we talk about books, I'm sure we can share them on here. If you have any you have enjoyed or would recommend I would love to hear too.
Speak to you soon and enjoy your weekend.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
@Lizzie, it's so nice to know we all share the rain at the same time, it's been pelting down the last couple of days here in Auckland and now the sun is finally out shining and skies are blue again.
Some of us are still wearing summery clothes over here although it's now officially winter in New Zealand.
Enjoy your reading and books.
@Yadira22 If you like funny books (I think we can all do with some humour these days) check out Christopher Moore. He's my very favorite comic writer and his imagination is crazy out-there. I think his best book is Lamb (The Gospel According to Biff), also Fluke and It's a Dirty Job. But really all of them are wonderful, goofy and very funny.
In a totally different genre, and I'm not sure you could even call it a genre, because his writing is so unique-David Mitchell. I consider his novel Cloud Atlas, to be the best novel I've ever read. Not easy reading.
I also am a fan of Michael Faber and Anthony Doerr.
I tend to go back and forth between literary works and crime novels. In the crime novel vein, my fave is Jo Nesbo, a Norwegian writer. Can be quite grisly, but hard to put down.
I don't read a lot of non-fiction, but Cleopatra, by Stacy Schiff, was fascinating and as engrossing as a novel.
Just finished State of Wonder, by Ann Patchett, also a great writer. Was excellent.
@Marissa107 the same full moon was shining over here in Auckland New Zealand overnight.
Do you sleep with the curtains open when it's like that so one can sleep under the stars and moon indoors?
@Lizzie I will be there, although I might be a couple minutes late. I'm okay with whatever... books are good.