Compliments to the host

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Compliments to the host

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There’s nothing like getting a “job well done!” when you’ve worked hard. And so many of you do go the extra mile to create magical stays for your guests. Our team that works on reviews knows how much positive feedback matters. So during one team brainstorm, they came up with this idea: What if we gave guests a way to quickly and easily specify what was so great about their stay with a host? We could identify the most common themes that guests love about their top-rated trips and list them out for guests to choose from. Fast forward to today and their idea is coming to life. Here are the top seven themes that emerged:



Now when a guest gives their trip an overall rating of 4-5 stars, they’re automatically prompted to give a little more detail about what made it memorable. Guests can choose as many of the seven compliments as they like, and (as always) they can elaborate on their experience in their own words in public or private feedback. So the next time you wow your guests, here’s what they’ll see:




And we’ve added a special “Compliments” section to your review summary when you’re viewing it from the Airbnb app on your mobile phone—so you’re sure to see what they appreciated about your space and your hosting style. The team is adding the final touches to this feature on the web, so soon you’ll see the Compliments section when you’re on your computer as well.




There’s more soon to come. We’re working on ways to make these compliments show up in guest searches so that they can see what makes your hospitality shine. It’s another way to help set guest expectations and reach your hosting goals. Whether you already have a few compliments, or you’re looking forward to that first one, we’re cheering you on.

507 Replies 507

Well said Tim.

I always send an email the day after checkin to make sure ‘all is going well and let me know if you have any concerns.’

Any (pedantic) issues can be addressed immediately. 

I like the way we can learn from each other, and I think I will add your quote “continuously monitor the service provided.”


I'm not sure I can agree with reviewing to hosts only. As a host and a traveler I want to know other people's experience in that home. However I agree with it needing to be brief.  I've long complained about the overly stringent setting for superhost. For people like me who dont have hi traffic places all it takes is one person rating you down and whoosh the superhost is gone.  I wind up telling people not to get hung up on that because it is so precarious but to read the other reviews.

I agree with Ian. The rating is becoming a penalty. It is unfair that one guest's bad rating requires 35 five star ratings to improve the rating by 0.01. We love our guests who are considerate and treat our property with care, consideration, and respect. We do our best to make them feel at home. However, you can not please everyone. It is that one guest who is careless, inconsiderate and lier who is given the upper hand in messing up the rating that Airbnb uses to punish the hosts with.

Things changed a lot since we started with Airbnb 3 years ago. Customer service is going down the hill. We want our original Airbnb back!!

Couldn't agree more with this!


why is the rating not averaged for the whole list! I carry a 4.8 yet because of negative Nancies and Air bnb only using the first rating to show on the listing I show a 4.4 to 4.3 and it takes 20 more 5 stars to bring it up 0.1? Thats an unfair scale!

That is absurd!! Airbnb you all need to address this immediately. Is the system to benefit us or keep us enslaved?

I so agree! I have held a 4.9 forever because 2 or 2 bad reviews forever when I have 140ish reviews! C’mon guys?

Level 2
Tonbridge, United Kingdom

I know what you mean. I had one guest who gave me a 2 star for 'value' when she'd spent a fortune on clubbing, taxis, drink - the whole shabang!! I mean, where else can you get 5 star accommodation for £30 a night!! This  has tainted the otherwise 5 star reviews. 

I totally agree also! I had one guest who gave me a 1 star review. They said the sheets had fuzz on them. (I guess my roommate washed new towels with their sheets)  I let them check in several hours early and stay a half a day late. I have them 5 stars as guests and they ruined my high rating! Thankfully everyone since them had big compliments and I hope their review is now buried far from interest. Hopefully potential guests realize some people are never satisfied. 

I so agree Liz. Recently had an older couple who gave low score for value. This is NYC. Yet, they travelled business class from Australia and the wife picked up a $1,600.00 dress at Bergdorf Goodman. Complained in the review that they had to remove their shoes. It is a very clear house rule. 

@Jill399 wrote:

I so agree! I have held a 4.9 forever because 2 or 2 bad reviews forever when I have 140ish reviews! C’mon guys?

Seriously? You're complaining about a 4.9?? Maintaining a perfect 5.0 is nothing short of impossible. Guests will complain - period - even if you've done nothing wrong. The important part, however, is maintaining your Superhost rating (which you appear to have done), and really, that's the only thing most picky guests even bother to look at.

I totally agree with this...Perhaps Airbnb should think about dropping the lowest rating if the others are all good...accounting for that one person who just cant seem to leave a 5 star for anything.

I agree Chris. We had one guest rate our location as a “4”. We clearly described our home in the country surrounded by woods. She wrote about our “lovely  home and setting” but gave the 4. It has dogged us ever since. We are sitting with a 4.8 and getting monthly reminders about ‘You  have met the basics and here’s how you can improve” from AirBnB. We charge $59 a night for a queen bedroom with private bath and deck. The fee includes breakfast. I have been getting notices about places in our  area that charge $39/night..however those listings do NOT  provide what we provide (refreshments , spa robes). 


At at one point, I contacted the Help Desk to understand how one 4 rating on one item could result in a 4.8 rating? I asked them if this was an error in division or if they were not using a “mean”. I think AirBnB has some work to do. In the meantime, we have suspended our AIrBnB activities through January.. I think AIrBnB has become  so big that we are now dealing with automated processes. It would also behoove  AirBnB to do some quality assurance audits at a sample of locations in each country. Although there are some wonderful places to stay, those that are less than wonderful (and we stayed at a nightmare home last year), the organization can’t boast about  quality without doing some monitoring.

Wow , I so much agree with you Chris and Sam

I have a 4.8 rating just because of a 1 star review, that I filed a complaint against the guest and Airbnb never help me with the sitution. The guest lied, disrepected my property and policy, and was out of control, yet they still let the guest comment and to be honest Airbnb was no help.

Airbnb needs to look at the majority of the star ratings and use that average, throwing out any that don't fit the regular pattern, usually put there by a person who throws a hissy fit because they used the last kleenex in the box and actually had to open the closet door to find a new box.

Airbnb can leave the review for any future guest to read, but delete the star rating so it doesn't have an outsized impact on the over all star rating.

Exellent idea