Compliments to the host

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Compliments to the host

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There’s nothing like getting a “job well done!” when you’ve worked hard. And so many of you do go the extra mile to create magical stays for your guests. Our team that works on reviews knows how much positive feedback matters. So during one team brainstorm, they came up with this idea: What if we gave guests a way to quickly and easily specify what was so great about their stay with a host? We could identify the most common themes that guests love about their top-rated trips and list them out for guests to choose from. Fast forward to today and their idea is coming to life. Here are the top seven themes that emerged:



Now when a guest gives their trip an overall rating of 4-5 stars, they’re automatically prompted to give a little more detail about what made it memorable. Guests can choose as many of the seven compliments as they like, and (as always) they can elaborate on their experience in their own words in public or private feedback. So the next time you wow your guests, here’s what they’ll see:




And we’ve added a special “Compliments” section to your review summary when you’re viewing it from the Airbnb app on your mobile phone—so you’re sure to see what they appreciated about your space and your hosting style. The team is adding the final touches to this feature on the web, so soon you’ll see the Compliments section when you’re on your computer as well.




There’s more soon to come. We’re working on ways to make these compliments show up in guest searches so that they can see what makes your hospitality shine. It’s another way to help set guest expectations and reach your hosting goals. Whether you already have a few compliments, or you’re looking forward to that first one, we’re cheering you on.

507 Replies 507

Truth .

I have sprinkled roses on the bed , had chilled Riesling in the mini fridge in their room, chocolates on the dresser, etc..etc..i stopped making omelettes for guests and removed the keurig . I ve washed guests personal laundry for them...etc etc..ive stayed in some posh hotels. Never have I ever had the front desk offer to wash my clothes for free or cook me a homemade breakfast or put roses on my bed without some exorbitant fee attached to the already high price . And I'm doing all this for under $40? And guests still complaining.  It's not a hotel, it's my home . Get this across to guests airbnb 

Level 10
Bali, Indonesia

Yeeiii.. awsome upgrade.. uo up up and away... 

Jeffrey Bong
Level 3
Woolloomooloo, Australia

I think it's a total waste of time. The review section should not be tedious. Asking a guest so many questions only pushes them away from reviewing a host. The reveiw section should be equal between the guest and the host. As a host, I get my review done in a couple of minutes but when I am a guest, I am bombarded with questions and rating this and that and I end up not bothering with it all.

The whole review system is flaud and really does need serious reform. It is only geared towards benefiting the guests and not the hosts.

Level 10
Central Coast, Australia

@Sam573 Completely agree, it’ become some overblown process. Its a couple of nights stay in an Airbnb for chrissakes, not reviewing the appointment of a Supreme Court justice. It needs to be short and simple and efficient. 

Level 10
Dunsborough, Australia

Crystal, I love your comments.


I concur, too!  I am watching the (US] Natl Dog Show (held each year on Thanksgiving Day) as I read these comments, and I can’t help but make the comparison - Airbnb is just making more hoops for us hosts to jump through ...

Level 10
Dunsborough, Australia

Couldn't agree more Sam.


Level 2
Lyme Regis, United Kingdom

I couldn't agree more, Sam.

Level 2
Scotland, United Kingdom

when people leave they are thinking of the next thing on their agenda and any questions relating to feedback should be simple and not probing as  many sensible fair people just cannot be bothered.  A space for comments will soon capture all necessary issues. by probing it just makes people excited and say what they otherwise would not have thought of.   

First and firemost, there is a miscommunication between Airbnb and our guests. Our guests do  not know that Airbnb has set a very high standard for its hosts and hosts are expected to have an average of 4.7*. I had a few guests giving us 4* for such a petty things (we left green and cammomile teas and they prefer English breakfast etc) and they were thinking 4 starts was still great. They did not know that AIrbnb removes the lsitings which continuosly fall below 4.5*. Airbnb must communicate that to the guests if it wants to make a review process fair and transparent on both sides.

Also, the guests who make mistake because they did not read the listing properly and as a result of that cancel the booking or decide not to stay, should not ever be allowed to leave the review. The only reviews we ever had any major issues with are those left by the guests who did not read he listing before they made the reservation (our photos show the patio and garden while they expected a view of the pool, they book one room but they wanted whole apartment etc).

This is so true.. this happened to me recently. I always put a lot of effort in every guest/s I have:(

Level 10
Dunsborough, Australia

Totally agree with everything you say Sandy. I think Airbnb need to make it very clear to guests what the review process is about. I always write a review for my guests and I never ask them to write a review for me ... I believe that is their choice. If we do a good job, we have come to expect 5 stars from our guests who do review us. I have to admit I get a bit downhearted sometimes knowing the effort I've gone to to make everything in my pad as good as possible and then to get 4 stars for one of the categories. My husband tells me to get over it as he reviews a lot on Trip Advisor and says for even the best places we've stayed in (not Airbnb) in our price range, it would have to be really exceptional for him to give 5 stars. I do wonder at times if some guests who choose to write a review, just want to get it done and over with in the shortest amount of time.  

Level 2
Brno, Czech Republic

totally agree

Level 4
Cape Town, South Africa

I had a woman insist she booked a garden cottage with a pool when in fact she’d booked my apartment on the 4th floor with a magnificent view of the beach!!! I had to get mediation and to make it simple I refunded her and told her to leave!Air Bnb needs to sort these “stupid” people out and make sure they can’t use the platform! They are too much admin!

Level 2
Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

I agree with Sandy in that we have found that some guests think the star rating on Airbnb is  the same as a hotel rating. We have had people write a fantastic review and then give 4 stars. When we asked what we could have done better they said nothing, that everything was perfect and they thought only 'luxury' accomodation would be a 5 star. It would be really good if Airbnb educated guests a bit more about how the ratings work.

We have also noticed that some people don't seem to check the description properly or look at all the photos.