We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the update...
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We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the updated Superhost criteria, so we wanted to explain why we made this up...
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Hello everyone,
Everybody experiences different milestones in life and the majority are very positive, so we usually enjoy celebrating them. Let's think back to a special milestone—your 50th or perhaps even 500th guest!
Have you achieved a hosting milestone and have you prepared something special for this occasion? Or if it is still in the future, will you celebrate it?
Yes, I made a mistake and thought i was 50, but learnt afterwards I was only 49. So i celebrated 50th for two years in a row.
Don't we all start counting backwards after we have our 21st birthdays?
Here I was thinking @Quincy was starting a topic on our birthdays!!
That I usually have been blessed to have shared my one with locals at our local supermarket the last around 10 years as they put on an early Christmas Party/ Celebration for local customers the same week as my birthday.
Fruit & vegetable bins are removed and replaced with local and international Liquor suppliers products, staff wait on us customers, there's usually a band and everyone has a great time.
Last year I had a Guest from Australia who booked to arrive n my birthday so he and his friend came as well and loved it!!
This year is the first year it won't be happening, however I'll always tresure the years it fell on my Birthday.
Hppy Birthday to all those who have a birthday today or coming up.
@QuincyHave you started this topic bc you have a birthday coming up???
Hi @Helen427, that sounds lovely to hear! My Birthday is in January, so I still have a few months to go!
Perhaps a birthday topic nearer to that date might work? What do you think? 😂
21 again @Quincy?
Will we see a different profile photo that day??
Perhaps from your favourite birthday memory??
Hi @Anna9170, your name sounds very familiar. I feel that we might have met at one of the online Community Centre meet-ups in the past (correct me if I'm wrong).
Have you reached/celebrated any milestones? (other than your birthday😆)
@Quincy I haven't been to the online meetings yet, so maybe you mean the other Anna - @Ann72 .))
About the milestones, it's a great idea when Airbnb will help me solve one case. I think maybe I should ask for help here, because my question has been going on since September...😊
And I'm sure we all want to celebrate grandiosely when the borders will be completely rediscovered and our lives will return to normal. 🍾 I'm ready to celebrate it instead of my birthday. 😂
Did you know that in South Korea they start their age from when they are born to be 1 year old so when they turn 2 they are what we usually call 1 yr old?
Perhaps @Sandra126 was in another country's time zone at the time...I say that if I'm late with wishing someone birthday wishes, or meeting up with friends who are always late...we are then always on time.
@Jessica-and-Henry0would you be able to confirm and shed light on Ages in South Korea?
Yes.... as you mentioned the way *age* is calculated is a bit different in Korea - the year one was born is used to calculate age rather than one's actual date of birth, so people born in the same year are considered the same age. And everyone gets a year older at the beginning of the new year (rather than on one's birthday).
For those interested, I think this post explains the details better than I'd be able to.
And FYI, I happen to be one of those pesky 빠른 년생 cases (born in January) who went to school early same as the blogger from the link above so my social age and Korean age do not match up. The Korean age I tell people (which is my social age) and my *actual* age (based on my birthday) always has a 2 year gap, rather than 1 year like most people. Very confusing....... but also extremely important for social hierarchy and having good manners.
Oooh, that's very interesting @Jessica-and-Henry0! My partner told me about this (she's from Korea as well).
@Sandra126 There's more to this story - if you don't mind, please tell! (If too personal we will understand.)
@Ann72 , not really. I'm just hopeless with years. If asked how old I am I have to first remember present date and deduct my birthyear. And the year I turned 49 was the year my best friend turned 50. I always believed we were the same age. She knew that wasn't the case but didn't say anything until months afterwards. She probably thought I did it on purpose, I don't know.
Swedes have a habit of not giving their age but their birthyear, if asked how old we are. At least I know the answer to that one!
@Sandra126 Love it - and it's a very good story. I love that your friend didn't say anything! 😂
Age seems to be more flexible than I imagined, given your story, the Swedish answer to age, and @Jessica-and-Henry0's explanation of how it works in Korea. Hmmm, maybe time to re-think what I say of my age?