We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the update...
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We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the updated Superhost criteria, so we wanted to explain why we made this up...
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Hey everyone,
I think several hosts agree that maintaining a healthy relationship with neighbours can be vital to hosting. Having a supportive community who are on board with having Airbnb guests in the area might be just as important as having a clear listing description.
It’d be great to hear about your experience dealing with neighbours to find out what are the best practices when it comes to being considerate of them and making sure you’ve got their support.
I’ve seen CC members talking about different approaches such as enforcing house rules to keep guests from disturbing the community and always being available to neighbours in case they need to report something.
Have you ever had any hosting issues involving neighbours? Is there anything you do to make sure neighbours are on your side?
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@John5097 I had no idea the zoning department could put a sign outside letting people know, that's interesting!
It's also so funny your neighbours found out about it by chance, I'm glad to hear it was a good surprise though 😊
Do any of your neighbours have your phone number in case they need to contact you?
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I also wondered about the notification as normally its only done for an application for a zoning variance, however the zoning officer assured me that as long as the application met the requirements it would be approved. The major requirement was to have one off street parking place. I think the notice actually made the neighbors feel they would have some recourse if there were any real problems, although no one has ever even asked me about it. My area also has at least seven local municipalities that all have their own rules.
Yes I have exchanged phone numbers with most of my neighbors. I see them almost daily though so we always just chat outside. I was even more proactive and would ask them if there have been any issues at all.
That was funny how the neighbors all found it on the ABB site, stayed twice and love it. Other neighbors have asked about it as well, and lots of guest visting friends or family close by within a mile.
This notification had to be kept up for 14 business days during application process so probably some legal requirement to keep the city from getting sued. I was working full time so wan't around much and no one said anything.
Have a nice weekend. 😏
We live about 30 minutes from our rental. Fortunately for us, an elderly neighbor watches out over our place. But then, he is a former hotel owner, whom I'm pretty sure misses those days. I make sure to tell our guests about him since he likes to wander over to chat with them. It's also a great way to keep guests in line with the house rules without them feeling they are being watched.
@M199 That's sweet! 💕 it sounds like it's good for both of you.
Has your neighbour ever needed to contact you about a guest or have you ever asked him a hosting related favour?
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I only host one guest at a time in my private room. Almost all of them arrive by air and then by bus, they don't drive here. My neighbors wouldn't even know I had an Airbnb listing aside from seeing different people enter or exit my gate, and then they could just assume it's a friend or family member.
But they do know I have a rental, and my neighbor directly across the street has 2 separate Airbnb cabins. Which disturb me, as they are open air buildings and I can hear everything her guests say, their phone conversations, them clanging pits and pans around while cooking, etc.
I actually consider it quite rude of her to not consider the neighbors when creating 2 rental units with palm fronds for roofs and curtains and sticks for walls, completely open on one side.
Most of her guests are quiet, but not all. And they'd probably be horrified to know the neighbors can hear their sexual escapades.
@Sarah977 😅 Yeah, that probably wouldn't be a good surprise.
Too bad your neighbours are not being considerate of you, I know how frustrating it can be to be disturbed even when inside your house.
Is there anything that you think they could do to make things right or maybe a bit better at least?
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@Liv Yes, stop renting out open air buildings when they have neighbors close enough to hear everything.
Or I could build a 3 meter high soundproof wall on that side of my property. Wanna pay for that?
Maybe @Sarah977 , you could score card the verbal antics - like in the olympics etc.
Or get a P.A. System with a choice of recordings to play:
a verbal “ well done”
or “clapping”
”Encore, encore!”
“Hooray, at last. Only got to hear the frogs now!”
But personally, the clapping would be my choice! Lol...
My cottage is one of 6 around a courtyard. (Old stables) With 2 houses next to the 6.
-1 of the 5 neighbours is my LTR with nice tenants picked by me.
-1 is a single man. We nod to each other but have never spoken in the 4-5 years he's been there.
- 1 houses a 90 year old woman who has been there since her youth, and who does not like me having guests, even tho' NONE of them have been any trouble "We don't know who they are." I was so intimidated by her complaints that I neglected to placate by reassuring her, as I should have done... But when she said "WHO was that man in the black car, I didn't like the look of him!" I said "He was a doctor on elderly care, if you have a funny turn, you'll be needing him!" She is not speaking to me now.
- 2 of the other cottages housed a lady in her late 80s and a man of 80+ in the other one. Nice neighbours, supportive of my Airbnb/lodgers. Helpful to guests who've knocked on the wrong door. And gave me encouragement and tips in dealing with nasty (to us all) neighbour; "Tell him to f*** off, you do what you like with your house!"
Sadly, they both died last month, after a lifetime in the cottages. So I'll be getting new neighbours; will have to think about how to introduce my hosting endeavours to them...
The big house on the other side has a family who moved in 5 years ago or so. VERY unpleasant to me AND the nice old neighbours who just died... (Decent neighbour next to him told me he also upset his old neighbours a mere 1 mile away.) - Mr Nasty tried to get me shut down by complaining to Council... Council said "Airbnb, Who cares? That's just like having lodgers really!" Mr Nasty also bends back wing mirrors from my guests' cars, sometimes even snapping them off... Aggressively threatened to report me to Benefits Office... I replied "I'm not on benefits!" He's gone to ground since then; because of that, or because of covid? - Anyway, 6 days ago he was carted off in an ambulance... Current 2 day a week lodger said "What goes around comes around." Mmmm......
@Helen350 That reads like a scene out of a Dicken's novel. Tons of new people moving here all the time. The requirement for STR is it must be owner occupied. Not only to prevent disrupting the neighbors but the price of rental apartments is very high, and the city has very proactive policy to look out for the entire community including keeping available housing for entire workforce. Whole houses still rent by the month and not many would make more doing short term as visitors want to be in close to all the popular attractions. Apparently my post above doesn't sit well, but I had nothing to do with the rules, and only sharing the process as it related to my neighbors. There is a number they can call to report. It reminds me of the mini house movement. The closer you get to a city the more codes are enforced. I think ABB has built an empire on making the process as convenient for guest as possible, but the drawback has been disruptive house parties or events that are already prohibited in residential neighborhoods. I do know that even a city of mine will defend its policy and zoning regulations without hesitation until the entire legal process plays out. Some of the legal dramas have drawn out for decades like a case out of Bleak House.
You have just described my situation with my neighbours when Airbnbing my place perfectly @Helen350 , especially the 90-year-old lady, although most of my neighbours are younger. Airbnb is very popular in Athens, which has led to some... issues with locals, some of which are very negative towards anyone using the platform.
So they try to make the hosts' life as difficult as they can. Of course, they don't see me as often as I don't live there, but they will have some complaints when they see me, just because they do not like people they don't know inside the building.
On my last visit in summer, an 80-year-old neighbour turned out to be pretty racist on top of everything else. She met me in the elevator and started talking about all those strangers I keep having and then fixated on my last guest. He seemed to have been doing something that she found particularly annoying at the back balcony (i.e. working out under a big palm tree which provides shade). She concluded with something like "they come from all over the world and disturb our quite" to which I replied, "seemed like the only person who gave you troubles was my only Greek guest actually" (an actual fact).
Needless to say, she never spoke to me for the rest of my trip, which I think was a blessing 😂
So, as you can understand, your single neighbour to whom you've never spoken sounds ideal to me.
We are friends with our neighbors and value our relationships with them. For me, I let them know what I am doing ( open homestay ) and try my best to let guests know our neighbours and support local businesses like a restaurant , Laundromat or grocery store. I also put that information to my guidebook and encourage guest to try.
Every new year, I visit my neighbour house with our hand made cookies. The main things I radar is make sure my guest less disturbing the neighbour. If the problem is identified, I quickly apologise to them.
Overall my neighbour are very helpful and also help guide guests to find our place.
my guests, 2 illustrators draw a time they enjoy eat at the local-restaurant nearby. 😁
That's amazing, @Nutth0! I agree that supporting local businesses is very important, especially now.
I'm sure owners appreciate it as much as your guests, who get to experience things recommended by a local 😊
It's also nice to hear that your neighbours are so helpful, good for them for earning those homemade cookies! 🙃 🍪
I absolutely love that illustration, it must be so rewarding to get that type of thing in return. Do you have that artwork displayed somewhere in your listing?
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@Liv Thanks, Yes, from time to time she send us a lovely postcard and we put it in guest's thank you board.
For me, As my house is not in a great spot, the neighbourhood is my strong point. 😎