We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the update...
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We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the updated Superhost criteria, so we wanted to explain why we made this up...
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@Nick I've gotten choosy-er about my platforms, ABB guest now pay an even higher premium price to account for the lack of accountability for CS and policy adherence
our place was already VERY clean, with guests having a great deal of privacy and spacing between guests
@Nick I maintain my insta account in Russian, will it be a problem to write a post and make the appropriate tags? It's just that I have my own audience there).
From the nuances of the reception I will not talk about cleaning now, it is a separate topic... I bought a steam generator back in March and hot steam is processed almost everything, this is just a plus and additional option for basic cleaning.
The guest receives disinfected keys in a sealed bag, the guest receives a gift of a steep mask KN-95, toilet paper in a closed package, and a closed package for washing dishes and disposable sealed slippers. 😎
@Anna9170 we host mostly hikers and bikers and had a lot of russian guests, they are the nicest of the lot!
@Kevin1322 So nice to hear it) I am very much looking forward to the opening of the borders, the Russians are really nice guests and a very large part of tourism in our Catalonia.
And one more clarification, there is no covide storm, NO. There are mass tests that reveal asymptomatic disease currents, and this certainly spoils all statistics. Hospitals are empty, there is nobody there, but big politicians use the figures for their own purposes.
Really appreciating your feedback on this @Kevin1322 @Lisa723 @Kelly149 as constructive criticism makes all of us better. Will be passing this on, thank you 🙂
@Nick In Belize there are now such stringent cleaning requirements, well beyond what Airbnb could even imagine, that they are really spooking guests to even travel to it. I can't think of many visitors that would want to be in 'house arrest' in a stupid boring hotel and have to wear a gaudy wrist band so that they are 'branded' and easily noticed if they wander off the plantation and dare visit stores, gift shops, restaurants and even the beach, and thus be turned into the 'authorities' if they attempt do so. Belize is not suppose to be certifiably-insane NYC. When things calm down, things will change.
Thus far, we have have had only one true 2020 Airbnb cancellation all, the rest have postponed into the future (originally all post Nov.1st), but now post January 1st, 2021; when Phase 4 will be supposedly be implemented (truly open). I made sure of minimizing the losses by taking the bold adaptive step of doubling the attractiveness of our listing, so that the guests are dying to come no matter what, the best course of action within my power.
So what the Covid-19 has reminded me of is that anything is possible with society in general, that I already knew, but one must adapt in approach as to one's own survival ; it always helps to run in parallel to the herd but never, ever be in its direct path, otherwise one may get trampled.
There will be books on this event, some chapters will make the readers proud, others will surely infuriate them.
Hey @Nick
~We conclude at the end of this month with interiors. We took our time, no need to rush this year.
~Nowadays we get a reservation 2x a week, so 2021 is filling up slowly. In general, I get the feeling there is a reluctance to 'foreign' travel till a vaccine arrives that is, which is around the corner.
~We are waiting for the U.S. elections; if a certain party wins we get mostly tourists, if the other one wins we will get mostly buyers.
Hello, I am planning to travel to Swansea, Wales in mid-December from India. Since I am traveling to meet someone (classified as 'non-essential' travel), I believe I would need a confirmation from Airbnb that they allow the hosts to 'host' me. I just wanted to check if such a confirmation can be received from Airbnb?
There are two hosts who are willing to host me, but are not sure how to go about this. Any suggestions?
No, you won't get any such confirmation from Airbnb. If it's illegal in Wales to host you, it's illegal, regardless of whether the hosts agree to keep your booking. Both you and the hosts would be breaking the law. Airbnb can't override local restrictions.
These mandates are being put in place to contain the spread of a deadly virus. If people like you and the hosts ignore them, you are being highly irresponsible and putting others at risk.
I am not traveling during the lockdown. The lockdown in Wales was done on 9-November, and the England lockdown is until 2-December.
There is no legal notification anywhere that prevents me from staying, but having a confirmation that I can be hosted will just build my case.
I care about my own as well as others' safety. Thank you.
The thing is that the lockdown and travel restriction mandates can change at any time with only a day or two notice and local laws have to be followed. So no one can confirm that you will be allowed to keep your booking, there is no case to be built.
Host compliance to AIRBNB COVID operations & recommendations rely on us comply and our situations vary. However I want to give a shout-out to AIRBNB for broadcasting CDC guidelines. I live next to a VRBO property (my own AIRBNB is attached to my house) and I observe the next door's property being turned over back to back, same day often with a couple of hours of guests exiting & new guests entering. I think this is a risk to the cleaner, the guests and the owner. So I am grateful for a policy from AIRBNB that encourages safer (Not bulletproof) hosting during COVID.
I also find that a hosting change during COVID is that if I need to replace an item it may not happen because stores are closed & on-line goods although able to be ordered challenge my ability to gauge a products quality. Guests are also cooking much more in house so Ive had greater share of greasy ovens, unclean cooking tools, etc. Just takes more cleaning time.