Great news—Airbnb is now accepting submissions for new exper...
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Great news—Airbnb is now accepting submissions for new experiences! List your Experience has reopened. The goal is to find am...
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You’ve told us that managing reservations from home or on the go could be easier and more consistent. As we did with changes to your reservations list, we’ve listened to your feedback, studied hosts’ concerns raised with the community-support team, and run research studies to understand how we could improve your experience. Here’s a sneak peek of upcoming changes built on your input.
Consistent information wherever you go
Soon, whether you’re managing reservations on the Airbnb app or website, you’ll have the same set of reservation details available. What’s more, anywhere you see a reservation—in your calendar, the message thread, your dashboard, or your reservations list—you’ll be able to take action right from that screen, which means it will be faster and more efficient for you to handle each reservation.
More details about reservations and guests
We’re giving you more specific information about the status of each reservation. And you’ll also get more details about the guest associated with each reservation without having to click into their profile. You’ll know how long they’ve been on Airbnb, what languages they speak, and if they’re a host like you, so you can make confident booking decisions and interact with your guests efficiently and quickly, all from one screen.
More payment details
You’ve told us that you wanted your expected payout dates to be even more visible. Numerous hosts called our community support team about this, so we made sure payout dates were easier to find. We’ve added a link to your transaction history and expected payout dates alongside every reservation.
Answers to your frequently asked questions, right where you need them
By studying the types of questions that come up most often for inquiries and reservations, we’ve been able to anticipate what answers might be most helpful to you based on the reservation you’re currently managing. We’ve added links to reservation-specific FAQs at the bottom of every reservation so you can get the information you need, when you need it.
More consistent tools and views
Previously, if you had Instant Book turned on for a listing, you could only hold dates when you pre-approved a guest on the website. Now you can do so in the app too. And the private notes feature, which was previously available only in the calendar, is now available anywhere you see a reservation.
All these improvements are coming your way in the next few months, and we hope they help make quick work of managing your reservations. Thanks to all the hosts who gave us feedback and joined focus groups. Let us know what you think of these changes and others you’d like to see.
Please make it possible to make special offers directly to people who have requested a booking.
Due to the new Hungarian law, from January we have to collect the personal data of our guests. This information would be great if I can get it in a separate file because I can handle it with existing data.
Does the private note service work by sending guest information to a given interface? That way, I shouldn't have to ask for the details by email.
Működhet-e a privát jegyzet funkció úgy, hogy a vendég elküldi személyes adatait arra az interfészre?
Megnéztem, nagyon jó a privát funkció,arra, hogy én írok oda jegyzeteket. De az lenne a kérdésem, hogy fejleszthető-e a privát jegyzet funkció úgy, hogy a vendég elküldi oda a személyes adatait?
Can anyone tell me how I am suppose to validate a reservation when it is confirmed by Airbnb right away, I have been getting reservation made on behalf of others after Airbnb has confirmed I get an email from the member saying my boyfriend will be meeting you or my father etc who are not Airbnb members and are coming to use my place for iligal reasons
Hi Sharon1017
If you contact AirBnB and tell them that the guest has booked for a third party, they will contact the guest and ask them to cancel the booking and get the actual guest to book.
Kedves AIRB !
Sajnálom, nem tudok fogadni vendégeket ! Már irtam !
Sajnos családi baj történt. Eladtuk a házat !
Nem irtak , hogy újból kezdik hirdetni. csak nyáron egy hónapig volt hirdetve.
Nagyon sajnálom. A vendégektől elnézést kérek.
További jó nyaralásokat mindenkinek. Annuska
Yes i kinda like it now. more easier. keep improving love it the booking site.
You are making it easier for guests but not for hosts, but you have been told and told this and do nothing to fix it. My accommodation is for singles only. I have had to decline after accepting when I found out the family of 3 from China was 3 not 1. So she actually had to cancel. I also just accepted someone to find out she also has a 9 year old daughter. They do not read what I have in my listing and I cannot change my listing title to add "for single travellers" at the end of my title, which might solve the issues I am experiencing. If you had not removed the rights of host to see the travellers before booking I would have seen the photos with children in them and asked the question before accepting. Guests can see us, we cannot see them. It is supposed to be equitable... it is not, how about making it a bit easier for hosts. I have been a Superhost for a long time and now am likely to lose it because of the changes you have made.
Partly agree, would be great to see the guests before booking but your problem can be solved if you set up you maximum guest number for 1 guest. If they book for 1 guest and after 10 pax would like to check in, its their problem. I never let more guests into my place than the booked/confirmed guest number.
Hi Jane, we send a message right after guests enquire - we ask :
To confirm: - they have read the FULL listing (where every detail is clearly written)
To confirm:- the CORRECT number of guests - Liability and insurance are an issue when more ppl.come
And more details specifically pertaining to our listings.
I can never find how to do a special offer
For guests who already booked:
In the booking details there is an option "cancel or change booking". Once you do some changes (price, guest number, etc) they will get it as a speacial offer.
For inquiry:
The special offer button has to be there under the request details.
How does a person book without me approving it first??
You can set up the direct booking option, so if the guests has confirmed government ID, email, etc... they can book directly. You can switch off this option if you would like to always accept all the request.
I'm still confused about receiving a pre-approval, but after communicating with the prospect guest, I decide it's better to give them a special offer. Here is what I was told by and Airbnb associate:
Decline the reservation THEN send them a special offer. By doing so the prospect guest receives the special offer in the email chain. Is this correct? Why can't hosts have the option to automatically send a special offer WITHOUT having to decline the original quote? Is there something in the settings I need to do in order to achieve this? Thanks - Ken