We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the update...
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We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the updated Superhost criteria, so we wanted to explain why we made this up...
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I am quite beside myself with disgust and disappointment that Airbnb would enter the fray of political turmoil by supporting an organization who's stated mission is not only a lie but as they demonstrate daily, the protests and ensuing riots one has to know that it's not about racial equality. I will get into a long diatribe here but I'll just say that every time I see BLM box on the website with a donate button, I have to wonder if anyone at Airbnb actually knows what BLM stands for and what their true mission is. Look at what's happening in Seattle right now. It's really quite disheartening.
Very little respect left for this company.
Wow @Robin4 , I would say she said it all perfectly well. It seems your media isnt completely stricken with a case of the dumb-a55 like ours! They go gaga on protests 24/7 and completely forget we are in the middle of a world wide Pandemic that is killing thousands weekly. I don't see the way this is shaking out as the pathway to fixing a problem inside our Police Departments, just creating more criminals. Best, JR
Amen @Robin4 & Jacqui Lambie!
- You can always rely on Australians! - (most of 'em!) 🙂
- AND WELCOME BACK ROBIN! - The CC has need of you! 🙂
All due respect, @Robin4, but I don't understand why we can't face both of these major problems that are happening at the same time - at the same time! They're both happening!
And honestly I think it's healthy - it's a good sign that we're not so crippled by the pandemic that we're still interested in improving the world we live in! We want to live and we want to get better and maybe the pandemic has shaken people enough that they want to try to create a more loving world.
And as I said an hour or so ago, it's time to stop harping on the violence and looting that are NOT as prevalent as the large and growing peaceful protests that demonstrate humankind's urge to make the world a better place for all to live.
I have quit supporting other organizations for the same reason because I refuse to do business with anyone that supports a hate group. So far the politics of it has not effected me and as long as my home is not used for a hate group rally I can't complain, but the minute it does happen, I will have to leave.
Just in, According to the Rolling Stones, Olivia Benson from Law and Order SVU has to go because she illegitimately represents honorable people that serve and protect as police officers and thats not representative of the truth and misleading! That is exactly why I'm guessing we will be hard pressed to get good to come of this, somehow changing a tv show will fix things???? thats just crazy....
@Melodie-And-John0 People's attitudes are influenced by the images and attitudes they see displayed around them, whether it is by their communities, the media, TV shows, etc. You can't pretend that isn't true.
When women are portrayed a sex objects, dressed in bikinis, draped over a new car in an ad, that puts forth a disrespectful attitude towards women. When people go through life, seeing those kinds of images, they are influenced by them, whether consciously or unconsciously.
Back in the 50s, there were TV commercials featuring actors dressed as doctors, telling the viewing public that this particular brand of cigarettes was the "healthy" choice. It is not at all crazy to try to rid TV shows, magazines, etc of stereotypes and false portrayals. If people weren't influencedby what they saw n TV, why would advertisers pour billions of dollars into TV commercials?
P.S. It isn't "according the Rolling Stones". The Rolling Stone is a publication- it has nothing to do with the rock band.
@Sarah977 yes, and for some added logical reasoning
Similarly how many discredited the whole BLM movement, what it stands for and the call for a complete overhaul of protest messages all together because of images and media outlets reporting on the looting which have taken place during the respective protests!
For those not understanding my POV
Many quickly discredited the whole BLM movement because of the images and reporting they saw based on the riots alone. Yet, many if not most BLM protests are peaceful. Furthermore, no rioter is actively protesting in favour of the movement through those actions as it actively moves away from the original narrative and reasoning related to that movement but rioting s still heavily talked about, interlinked and presented.
Similarly a less than favourable image was created as to link COVID-19 and the Asian community- many people choose to actively belittle and mistreat the Asian community and their said individuals because of the reported origins of this virus. Leading to Asians needing to say and repeat "I am not a virus", the fact that this created a mindset shift and violence onset is terrible and was noticeably move prevalent all over the world and an active need to defend oneself because of it, shows how powerful the media presentation and representation can be. Destructive behaviour like these should not be fellowed, let alone allowed or promoted. Both occasions happened over a short time frame.
So, over a longer time frame imagine what unconscious and conscious correlations could be made if viewers saw only one side of cops, eg the good ones or an increased representation of minorities as criminals. Real life experience will show you that there is good and bad to be found within every community. However, overtime this media representation you entertain can cause a change in behaviour, outlooks or mindset etc based on those created pre-conceived notions generated by their images and stories shared. Proving that change is needed and talking about it in such a popular and easy to access means opens the door to conversations, and policy changes.
Sorry @Sarah977, I know its not the band (Ive seen them) and Mick writes songs not news releases. Thats just the name everyone calls them, "Heard it in the Rolling Stones", I should have written Rolling Stones Rag. While what your saying is very true about the influence entertainment media has on society, once the purging starts, where does the line get drawn, and what about that 1st Amendment thing? Do we just get rid of some of the most popular shows on the net, cop drama's or do we keep going and eliminate Rapp music, Art Galleries, video games, Housewives of ___________, Howard Stern and about 75% of the fantasy that wouldnt be useful for Martians to understand how Humans actually live cause most of its not real in most households.
My point about the article is that these types of distractionss are not going to fix what is wrong, the focus must be on the prize not shiny objects that may draw attention from real change that we need now.
@Melodie-And-John0 Ummmmm, did you actually read that article you posted about the character of Olivia Benson?
Based on your comment, I'm pretty sure you just read the headline. Which is typical, these days, I understand. Read a headline, become outraged, share on social media (or the CC) without research. Had you taken the time to read the article, you'd realize it's not about what you posted a comment about. Either that or you are just very confused.
@Suzanne302 "No matter how much you love Olivia Benson, you have to be willing to grapple with the fact that she plays a major role in perpetuating the idea that cops are inherently trustworthy and heroic, and that many viewers are unable to distinguish between the gossamer fantasy of how justice should be handled, and how it actually is. If cops are canceled, that means all cops are canceled, up to and including the strong and pretty ones we like to watch break down pedophiles in interrogation rooms."
The Rolling Stones article was reported on the radio and television exactly the way I presented it, I think the statement above from the article is pretty clear, she should go with other cop shows cause shes a fantasy cop, a unicorn, doesnt exist. I am certain officers that are doing a great job do exist, I know a number of them. Unfortunately they have been painted with the same brush as the garbage ones, If I were a good one in todays police departments, I probably would be looking for a new job, unfortunately the bad ones will stay until they are fired...
@Melodie-And-John0 Okay, it's clear now. You ARE confused about the article.
Also, it's not "The Rolling Stones". The publication is very popular, well-known, and has been around since the 60's, a time in which you claim to know so much about. It's called "Rolling Stone."
@Suzanne302 , Im pretty sure you knew which rag I was talking about regardless of the extra S. I have see the band cause I have "been around since the 60's" as well. I stopped reading the trash mag a couple decades ago when it began prognosticating about politics far more than giving fans the inside track on Rock Bands, Music and concerts, the same fate came to my favorite TV station of all time, MTV. Im pretty sure snapchat gets far more touch time than RS Magazine.
The 60's were the best and worst of times at the same time but probably more bad than good. I don't claim to know so much about anything including the 60's but I do remember them pretty well even if I don 't read about them much. I actually remember the rampant Blatant Racism and heavy handed LE's and Justices in our nation and state from north to south, east to west that treated everyone equally, talk back to da man and you get beat down no matter what color your skin was but if you were dark skinned, you probably would get a couple extra thumps before being hitched to a chain gang to"think about your crime for a little while".
This is not the 60's but you wouldn't know it from the comments I've heard here or on tv. No one life lost due to racism or Enforcer power trips is acceptable but we are in so much better place to fix the problems that remain than half a century ago when Ezell Blair Jr., David Richmond, Franklin McCain and Joseph McNeil decided they had enough of the stupid stuff.
When the riots and looting end, the discussions, amending and building will begin in earnest, until then, were stuck with both covid 19 killing thousands weekly at the same time our nations LE's are coiling tighter into a protective posture. Thats not a strategy or recipe for success, just an accident looking for a place to happen.
BTW @Suzanne302 , another thing, I really hate (and I almost never hate) what this second and very different wave of pain is doing to our nation and planet right now. I don't derive any happiness from battling with you or others here even slightly when I'm pretty sure we agree on far more than we disagree on in most cases. This is probably where its time for me to disengage and try to focus on the things I can do something about cause this light skinned old phart has allot of bosses both living like Mrs Robinson and electro-mechanical like the NMR which is waiting for me to fill it with 60 liters of liquid nitrogen before it loses its million dollar cool, Out here, JR
We will never do business with Airbnb again. BLM is a Left Wing Fascist organization dedicated to destroying everything based on Judeo-Christian foundation. Your disgusting "virtue signaling" is shameless, and wrong.