We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the update...
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We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the updated Superhost criteria, so we wanted to explain why we made this up...
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We want to share that the $17 million USD Superhost Relief Fund is now closed for hosts who share their homes. So far, $16.8 million USD in grants have been given to 8,700 hosts of homes and experiences around the world. The remaining grants reserved for Airbnb Experiences hosts are in progress and will be awarded through September 2020.
Who we’ve reached
About 10,400 hosts applied for a grant, and 8,700 of them received grants ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 USD. More than 67% of grant recipients are outside of the U.S. Invitations were prioritized to longstanding hosts in the most financial need. On average, the Superhosts invited to apply held Superhost status for nine quarters. For more information about the eligibility criteria and invitation process for the relief fund, please check out this FAQ.
Other sources of financial support
As an Airbnb host, you may be eligible to receive financial assistance from your national and/or local government. We’ve identified some of the financial relief programs that are being offered in your region. You can learn more about financial relief resources for hosts in the Resource Center.
We want to thank all the hosts who used their applications to share their stories with us. During this unprecedented time, we’re committed to continuing to find ways to support our global community. Looking ahead, we’ll be focusing on helping you get back to what you do best: welcoming guests. We’ll keep offering insights on travel trends so you can make informed decisions about how to manage your business. And we’ll keep sharing tips for how to prepare for guests as travel returns.
This has got to be the most tone deaf post ever from Airbnb. Honestly. I think the IPO is toast until they hire some grownups to manage corporate communications. I mean I used to do corporate management and this fails even a beginner class.
I am worried about the future of the platform.
Probably should have never announced this relief fund and just surprised hosts. I've yet to even hear or see one person whose gotten any of this relief fund. You've pretty much shot yourself in the foot by pissing off more hosts than the ones you've apparently given to. Nice job Airbnb, really thought this one through.
@Jeff1642 Well, if you took the time to do a search here on the forum, you would find that some hosts have reported receiving a grant. And I've read on other host forums of hosts who received it.
Very unfortunate to note that people like us who were so so loyal were not even considered
So we're 18-time Superhosts, have one Airbnb listing (it's on Airbnb Plus), and Airbnb was the only source of income for our family of four (my husband and I both scrambled and found part-time work in April, because that month we earned a whopping $400 from our listing!). Our tiny house is the #2 most wish-listed tiny house on the platform in the world, according to Airbnb's trend report. And we received $0 from Airbnb and no offer to apply, and frankly, updates like this feel hurtful. Also, still very confused as to why Experiences hosts are getting aid, since comparatively that program hasn't been around very long.
Hey guys, I feel terribly for you, but please don't put any faith in what Airbnb might say!
They are embarrassed that they are caught up in this situation, it is not something that their forward planning could have predicted. I am also an 18 time Superhost and my April earning dropped from over $2,000 to $105.00!
This pandemic is not Airbnb's fault, try not to pull the doona over your head and say Airbnb should be responsible, they aren't!
This whole scenario has taught me a lesson and I am bullet-proofing my future with a series of short videos of my area. I am concentrating on the positives, and it is working! With Cam, Rosa and Charles we are putting together a series of videos that I am promoting on a number of sites with a link back to my Airbnb listing!
Sure things are tough but try to look for positives! Don't expect Airbnb to prop you up, be your fairy god mother and make all this COVID-19 business just disappear!
Hello! I certainly don't feel like I'm expecting Airbnb to prop me up, I don't blame them for Covid, etc., but I do find myself wondering why I pay them a hefty amount of fees for every booking if there is no additional security for me and other hosts during times like this... Also, it feels like they went through a lot of PR posturing to make themselves look good while in actuality leaving lots of hosts high and dry. I also am surprised they want to continuously remind me of the fact that it felt like they promised hosts like me aid, only then to receive no support from them.
I have been hosting for six years, I'm a 17 time superhost, I lost significant revenue from the two rooms I rent as a home share host and was not invited to apply. This morning I got a private message from a staff member on Airbnb Community with a link to this post. What's the point? Why are they rubbing it in that I wasn't chosen?
I am in a very similar position and was surprised that they wanted to remind me of aid that was dangled as a possibility and then never actually offered. Very upsetting.
You were sent a message by a mod notifying you of this thread? Are they running thread view games now? Who did that?
I was depressed enough reading that @Rebecca-and-Jonathan0 didn’t even get an invite.. Are they inviting everybody else who didn’t get it? This’ll be a game winner for someone.
@Rebecca-and-Jonathan0 You we’re mailed too?!
848 views currently- I wonder if it gets to 1000 there’ll be a cake for someone?
They must have nothing better to do!
Wow Katie, I'm glad you directed me here. Now I feel worse about hanging out with Airbnb during the shut-down.
You mean @Katie ?
This must be Community Mod [GAME], how evil. Where normally apprentices can be sent out for a 'long stand' and there's a bit of a laugh about it, or 'tar and feathered' in medieval times, here instead just making enemies of past friends suffices.
Hiya all,
I've just posted this in another thread but think it is relevant to some of the contributors here just to give some additional clarity on myself and my teams roles, including @Katie (my maternity cover Community Manager) here on the CC.
Thanks for the tag. Ian is more familiar with the role of the OCM team here on the community center but I think it's worth outlining it again here for everyones benefit. As I'm sure you've seen, moderation is an element of our role in order to help foster a healthy environment for hosts to discuss and share tips here. This includes taking action that is inline with the specific community guidelines but also to act on things we think is in the best interest to the health of the cc overall.
As much as we are able to, we may sometimes be able to get additional information on reported issues, feedback and complaints on specific posts relating to the platform but we are limited in what we can do as both we and this forum are not Customer support.
I've mentioned before but will again that direct messaging is a far more prevalent part of our role as we would like to encourage and inspire hosts to post publicly so their contributions can spark conversations and provide advice to their peers. I think we all know that we trust the words of a fellow consumer/user of a product, in any capacity.
As you pointed out @Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 , we do try to drive positive and interesting topics, more so now than ever as we a lot of us are still stuck inside due to the pandemic - this reprieve is to support hosts getting ready to host again or provide some entertainment. At the same time, it's also important that what Airbnb is doing in terms of policy, product updates and the like is not missed - there must be a balance. As the article was shared last month, we only wanted to let certain users we hadn't seen in a while on the CC know about the important news - within that note is also a link to the June round up and some other lovely bits and pieces, should they feel inclined to have a look. We don't know before hand whether or not the user has seen the topic, nor do we know if they were invited so we can only apologise if offence was caused to any host that didn't find the message well.
Despite all this, it is actually very useful when the CC hosts tag us in topics - we do read each and every post but having a tag means we get to it quicker, allowing us to act should that be the necessary action - you can tag anyone from the OCM team. The same is said for "flag to moderator" - keep 'em coming! As always, we are just a DM away if it's something you need specific help on or if you're not comfortable posting publicly.
I appreciate our non-hosting topics aren't everyone's cup of tea and I'm grateful to see those hosts that aren't interested in those chatting away in other threads that are more what they're interested in. You all make this forum a lovely, well-rounded place! Sorry for the essay 😉
Many thanks,
Thread view just made 1130.. Cakes to share on Monday !! 🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰
(1 cake for each mod) 😋
282 new views by potentially disgruntled hosts being informed they missed out on a SuperHost grant.. a 33% increase of views in 3 days after the post died after a month. Great work!
If you exclude the c10,000 who obtained grants, then there are still another 649,718 (approx) more opportunities. They all didn't get cake, obviously, but it would be interesting to hear their opinions too.
Be happy they sent you an e-mail. They never told me yes or no, let alone an e-mail. lol
Exactly! We fit all of the criteria, received info that we were eligible on our dashboard then one day it all changed from dollar amounts to zero. They never should have put out all of the hype if they couldn’t walk the talk. This “ reminder” e mail is an insult.