The Host Advisory Board members pictured above, clockwise fr...
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The Host Advisory Board members pictured above, clockwise from top left, are: Zamani Khumalo, Geoff Gedge, Arturo Blas, Anse...
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As you know, we recently made the biggest change to Airbnb in a decade. Since the launch, you’ve provided a lot of feedback about the changes, including many requests to bring back your ability to craft your own listing title.
We understand why Hosts are so passionate about your listing title: It’s one of the first things guests read in search results and an opportunity to call out what makes your space unique.
So, starting June 30, 2022, your listing titles are returning to guest search results.
Before then, check out our new guidelines for listing titles—and update your title too. Doing so can help your listing stand out in search, set expectations for guests, and create interest in booking your space.
Let’s all share our listing titles and help each other find ways to make them shine.
Thank you. That's useful to know. I assume if the word count for the full title includes spaces then it is the same for the 32 character mobile version...
Hey @Huma0 ,
Yep, it's 32 characters including spaces. And I did some digging on that 35 character example on the RC article and it turned out it was because they used they changed "downtown" to our lovely "city centre" when localising for the version. A bit daft and they have the note to update it in the future with something that exemplifies the count both correctly and
If I don't update my title will I get it back on June 30? I like it as it was, and it does not appear to violate your recommendations.
@Nancy1633 From my understanding the titles haven't changed - Airbnb just stopped using them. They are going to revert to using our titles but to work in their new system the title will be truncated if more than 32 characters.
Thanks! My understanding is that titles would be truncated in the mobile view. They also requested using lower case- but prefer the way I have it, caps and lower case.
These are really great news!
I think the platform and host will benefit from this decision!
I have the same question as others, are the guidelines the same as requirements or if they aren't, will they lead to deranking if not followed? The new changes have led to some listings being manually chosen for featuring, and there seems the rank criteria has changed significantly as well. It makes me wonder If hosts go outside those guidelines will there be specific consequences?
As others have said, this platform has been a disaster. I wish AirBnb would just admit it and roll it back. I've had one booking since the 'upgrade' and my VERY log cabin disappears when applying the 'cabin' filter. All 5 star reviews. SuperHost. 5 years with Air...
I am still booked solid but all my bookings are now coming from Vrbo. Way to shoot yourselves in both feet Airbnb.
My bookings slowed drastically overnight since their Summer Release. I have since started listing with VRBO and those bookings have ramped up. I have to say, the user interface with Airbnb is better than VRBO. But that doesn't matter as much to me if I am getting bookings! I've also noticed the VRBO guest tends to be much older. Like they are all retired couples! Again, what do I care if they are good guests and I am getting bookings. It's just an observation I've made. I am relieved to hear that Airbnb is at a minium addressing host concerns with the Summer Release and I hope they put everything back the way it was. The sooner the better, considering they rolled this out during peak travel season for us.
Wow...I could have written this post! And I have...many many many times. Just did a few posts ago. WARNING. Check your stats! Mine have been altered since the roll out. Luckily I took one screen shot showing my April views to over 200/day and since the roll out, dropped to 20 or less. When I went back today to check again, the april results had been altered to show my views have ALWAYS been within that range of 20-40. Also I went back to December. Ditto..then it showed I had 4 bookings in December. So I checked my reservation list. Nope..1. I was closed due to surgery 2. I didn't even have bookings MADE in December for another month...and all my pricing has been fooled with lately...Something is truly thinking worse than a 'mistake' with a new program...Anyway, more detail in my prior page an hour or so ago. oh yes, and calling them? Sometimes rude, sometimes ignorant and just reading a script of garbage to this 5 year superhost, as if I have no clue what I am doing...
I think this is why my views and inquiries dropped since June 17.