2D & 3D Floor plan in your listing

Level 1
Versailles, France

2D & 3D Floor plan in your listing

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 4.19.12 PM.png



Unlock the Potential of Your Airbnb Listing with 2D and 3D Floor Plans


Dear Airbnb Community,


In the competitive landscape of vacation rentals, standing out is imperative. Have you ever wondered how to significantly improve your reservation rates? Adding a 2D and 3D floor plan to your listing might be the game-changer you've been searching for.


Visual Clarity and Guest Confidence


Visuals drive engagement and confidence. A detailed 2D floor plan gives potential guests a clear understanding of your property layout. They can easily visualize the space, identify bedroom locations, and assess common areas. This transparency can answer many questions before they are even asked, providing peace of mind and encouraging bookings.


Immersive Experience with 3D Floor Plans


Taking it a step further, 3D floor plans offer an immersive experience, transforming curiosity into tangible excitement. These interactive models allow guests to virtually walk through your property. They can explore each room’s dimensions and design, making them feel as though they have already visited. This virtual tour can be the key in turning a browsing traveler into a booked guest.


Building Trust and Reducing Misunderstandings


A detailed floor plan builds trust with prospective guests by setting clear expectations. They know exactly what they are





1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Louis2685 ‌👋‌ Thank you for sharing this. Are you planning to add a 2D and 3D floor plan to your listing? Are you still in the process of getting everything ready?


Please keep us updated on your progress.



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