4 star rating?

Level 1
Silverthorne, CO

4 star rating?

Hello, I am just curious... I am a super host and usually get 5 star ratings. I just saw in my email that one guest left a 4 star review.

I was curious as to why, so I clicked on read the full review. When I did I was confused because she gave me 5 stars in everything! So why did you say she left a 4 star review?

I believe someone made a mistake in reporting my rating. I work hard to get 5 stars and believe a mistake has been made.

If it is true, I would appreciate you fixing it for me.

Thank you

Lisa Schwab 

1 Best Answer
Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Lisa8659 


I looked on your reviews and saw that one was left yesterday by Hailey and I can indeed see 4 stars left for the overall rating.  From what I can gather from your thread, she left you 5 stars for the individual categories but then left you 4 stars for the overall one and unfortunately this one is a stand alone category and is not the average of the others.  


You can write to her to ask her why she did this of course as it may have been an honest mistake  but Airbnb will not alter it even if she phones them and it is as @Mike-And-Jane0 say, you either leave the review as it or have it removed completely.  Speaking from experience here and yes frustrating.


All the best


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2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Lisa8659 no one here can fix this for you and no one at Airbnb will do so either. If you feel 4 stars is damaging the only thing you can do is ask the person who left the review to contact Airbnb and get it deleted. A bit extreme but them the rules!

Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Lisa8659 


I looked on your reviews and saw that one was left yesterday by Hailey and I can indeed see 4 stars left for the overall rating.  From what I can gather from your thread, she left you 5 stars for the individual categories but then left you 4 stars for the overall one and unfortunately this one is a stand alone category and is not the average of the others.  


You can write to her to ask her why she did this of course as it may have been an honest mistake  but Airbnb will not alter it even if she phones them and it is as @Mike-And-Jane0 say, you either leave the review as it or have it removed completely.  Speaking from experience here and yes frustrating.


All the best
