A booking has disappeared from our host calendar. The client still wants to come

Level 2
Horspath, United Kingdom

A booking has disappeared from our host calendar. The client still wants to come

Ardrian Hardjono (14-24 April)  made the reservation and still wants to come, but our calendar does not show the reservation, and he has checked the customer calendar, which shows the dates still avaiable.

In addition I have not heard from you with regard to our previous complaint that you are not forwarding  booking to us to pre-approve, or forwarding any notifications.

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Virginia231 this is a community centre not customer support.

You need to call 020 3318 1111 for support.

It may be the guest hasn't paid or their card has been refused or they have been deemed dangerous or its just a mistake