My listing shows 0 views, yet I have received inquiries and ...
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My listing shows 0 views, yet I have received inquiries and questins, what is going on? Also, I know people who have entered...
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and Airbnb does not seem to care at ALL!
the hackers have changed my payout method to a different paypal account and I have been calling and emailing Airbnb since Monday when I found out about this. the hackers paypal still listed on my account and they have not lifited a fingure to help me or secure my account.
this is so FRUSTRATING and I feel so exposed. I am new to airbnb and just hosted 2 guests and have not received any payments yet and when I checked on my account I clearly see a different payout method for the payments and with my bank info still listed there.
this is a major security issue on Airbnb site which they dont seem to care. I can't even find any decent email account to send emails
Very disappointed and frustrated at Airbnb and will take this issue to social media.
Answered! Go to Top Answer
@Robin107 I've been reading your posts with great interest. I'm wondering, have you changed your email password lately? Emails are hacked / compromised all the time. I change mine every six months just to be on the safe side. Remember, Yahoo had a massive email attack just a few months ago and my LifeLoc security manager has notified me at least once that my email address was found on a website presumably for sale. 😞
Also, do you check your log in history? In order for anyone to access your Airbnb account, they have to log in. You can find this under your profile under Security. If you find a log in from a device / IP address that you don't use, log them out and then change your password. You should receive an alert when you or anyone else logs in from a foreign (to you) device / browser. For example, if I log in to my Airbnb account from a friend's IPad, I will get an alert from Airbnb telling me. Be sure your email settings are not blocking alerts from Airbnb.
Yes, technically I supposed that there is a difference between hacking and compromising an account. Strictly speaking, hacking is done when someone uses computer software to access data illegally such as when Target credit card accounts were accessed. Usually this is done on a massive scale. Compromising an account normally is done on an individual account level and is done by gaining access to a particular account. This can be done easily through public wifi that is not password protected such as in an internet cafe. Someone sitting next to you can see what you are doing on your device and gain information that way. There are other ways as well, such as clicking on an attachment in an email from someone you don't know.
I wish you the best of luck and I'm very sorry you are going through this traumatic ordeal!
@Nikoleta1 Your phone and or computer have been compromised. You need to run a virus and malware scan on both. Then chage all your passwords. Call the issuer of your credit card and dispute the charges as fraudulent and ask for a new card to be issued immediately to replace the old one. They will do a backcharge to AirBnB for the money. This is not an AirBnB issue work with your credit cards fraud department.
I have had my account hijacked since early September. I have done probably a dozen password changes (airbnb's only answer to an obvious complex problem). They recently escalated my case but, no case manager has been assigned. My Payout Method has been changed twice. I recently changed it back myself and then my account was locked by airbnb and has been for 3 days. Customer service is awful. I think it time to go to the media! Anyone else?
.We had this happen to us too but I can tell you they actually did resolve it and sent me my payments due. It took a long time (scouple months) and you wont get the customer service you would expect, no calls back, no emails, etc. But they DID take care of it. I hope this makes you feel a tiny bit relieved!
Hi, guys,
I encountered the loss of more than 10,000 EUR due to the hacking of my account.
So far Airbnb does not care about my inquiries to help by at least giving me the full bank details of the bank account the money was transferred. Imaging! They claim to be restricted to give out this information due to data protection. At same time they pretend that I was the one who registered with that very bank details! Isn't it crazy!
I now will step bay step involve the prosecuters in Austria and Germany, consumer protection organizations and who ever may be of help to get my money. I will regularly post the progress on
Have a good one!
Mine got hacked as well.
This threat is 2 years ago and people still got hacked so there are no security whatsoever.
Technically everytime i call or message them they tend to don't care of you.
They always close the chat so you have to explain them everytime you call or chat to them. i'm not sure they tend to don't understand what i'm asking or they are not understand me as i'm not native speaker as they keep asking something else all the time.
Oh and they always said that they are going to escalate to Trust and Safety for check further. how can i trust Airbnb as everytime you close the conversation by yourself without me getting a chance for update.
I just simply call them and asking what is the update and they can't even give me an update and try to talk me to something else. What a company
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Just found out my account had been hacked and the hackers got two of my payouts totalling over $2000.
Did in fact speak with someone at Airbnb to report it and was told the same info as Robin in Pensacola reported. I was not notified of any payout changes to my account and really think Airbnb needs to step up to the plate and do something to securitize their website further. Will keep my fingers crossed that I have the same outcome as Robin,but am not holding my breath. I would be interested in joining any class action against them in the future.
Wow! Airbnb took care of this promptly and just sent me a notice that they were getting the payouts back to me. What a relief, and I hope others have the same good fortune with their accounts.
I just realzied my account was haceked as well. how do i contact airbnb to let them know? They have stolen 4 payouts.
Same here!!! Called multiple times Sat night when I discovered someone had charged nearly $600 to my account. Was hung up on twice. Emailed them and got a return call. After a lengthy discussion was told I'd be contacted with a resolution and here it is a day and a half later and nothing... Airbnb isn't the only game in town. I'll be closing my account...
Hi all, sorry to hear about all your negative experiences. On the 11th May I received an email to confirm a booking for accommodation in China. I live in the UK and I am not planning to travel to China. I called Airbnb immediately and received an email from my account confirming my booking was cancelled but that I would still be charged. When I got through to Airbnb they said I would have a full refund. Day 2. No. Refund. No. Contact. Just called them back and they are marking my case as urgent BUT won't give me a time by when they will get back to me. I am worried I will not receive a refund. Any tips?
My wifes' account was just HACKED and 400 odd euros were taken from her PayPal account and booked some stay in the UK? When she tied to login to Airbnb the account was canceled and passwords were changed? Now I need to try to contact Airbnb through my account as she can't log in and they don't have an easy to find, CONTACT US tab on their site? Another headache! We contacted Paypal but lets see what happens?
PayPal is actually very good in these circumstances. I’ve had unauthorized charges happen and they took care of them immediately.
Airbnb isn’t as responsive and the management has historically not been consistently helpful unless you Tweet Airbnb directly.
My account was hacked on 16th May 2019. I noticed after two reservations made due to PayPay payment notifications so I removed the credit card linked to my PayPay account straight away to minimise any further damage.
Similar to other users experience, both reservations were accepted but then cancelled immediately. Due to the host's strict cancellation policy of course no refund is allowed.
I have since contacted Paypay for dispute which they refunded me.
For Airbnb side they said due to technical reason (which they cannot disclose) my account was not accessiable.
They have since re instated my account so I have changed password and also removed my payment method (PayPay)
but is that secure enough?
Hi everyone,
Having just dealt with 24hrs of hell after my account was hacked, and having the same experience as many of you in terms of the absolute TERRIBLE support from Airbnb, I thought I'd share some tips here.
It's important to understand how this is happening so that you can prevent it happening again. Hackers are gaining access to our accounts because they have our email address and Airbnb password. Sadly, and quite honestly pathetically in 2019, Airbnb does NOT support proper 2-factor authentication - so all a hacker needs is your email address and password. They can get this in many places, because unfortuantely many people use the same password for multiple logins. If you have ever re-used a password for more than one website, then this is probably how the hacker can log in as you. There have been MANY websites and services that have been breached over the last few years, so it's quite likely that your email address & password combo is out there. Check out a website called "have i been pwned" to find out. Either way, NEVER USE THE SAME PASSWORD TWICE.
Keep in mind that there are multiple ways that you can log in to Airbnb. For instance, I was using Facebook to log in, and have always had a random Facebook password and 2-factor authentication turned on for Facebook - so I thought I was safe. However, I forgot that Airbnb itself also had a password - which I was never using and had completely forgot I'd set. As a result, it was a password I created years ago... and was freely available on the internet (again, you can see if your passwords are already public at the "have i been pwned" website).
Finally, as has been mentioned in this thread, another way to gain access is through phishing, whether digital (fake login screens) or human (fake support calls). For many people in the thread, this seems to not be the case, but I'm including it here for completeness.
Basically, the hacker knew one of your log in combinations - whether that be Facebook or Google or Airbnb. And if you ever reused any of those passwords elsewhere, it's highly likely that your email/password combination is already public. Change your passwords to be random, never re-use them, and enable 2-factor authentication whenever possible. We need to pressure Airbnb to get PROPER (not "automatic") 2-factor authentication, so I've written to tech news outlets about this ordeal too. Right now, Airbnb only uses 2FA when they detect a problem, which in my case (and many others) they clearly failed to do. This is bad - 2FA should ALWAYS be needed.
Use an app like 1Password or Dashlane or Apple Safari/iCloud to manage your passwords so that they can be complex and random for every website and service you use.
Airbnb support is TERRIBLE for this. I was hacked 24 hours ago and have heard NOTHING back from my multiple calls to Airbnb. I'm still shocked at how bad they are. So while I STILL wait for them to respond, here's how I got my account back. I had connected my Google and Facebook accounts to Airbnb as part of the verification process, as I'm sure many of us have. When the hacker changed my email address, I got a notification at my email address saying that it had been changed. As soon as I saw that, I went to Airbnb and tried logging in with Facebook. I couldn't - looks like the hacker had removed it.
BUT they hadn't removed my Google account, which still let me log in! I was able to quickly cancel some of the booking that the hacker was making, and add my phone number back to my account. This let me then use the "I didn’t do this—review my account" link that was in the automated "email address changed" email, bcause now I had a way to verify that I was me again (they sent a message to my phone).
However you end up getting access to your account again, make sure you add your Google and Facebook accounts (each of which should have 2FA enabled!) so that you have this backup option in the future.
Obviously change all your passwords as soon as you're able to!
Hackers are using people's Airbnb accounts for a lot of things. Here's a checklist of what you need to look for once you get your account back:
a) New bookings as a guest at other people's homes.
b) New bookings at your home.
c) Your email address.
d) Your phone numbers.
e) Your connected social/Google accounts.
f) Your booking permissions - make sure they didn't add someone who can book trips for you.
g) Your co-hosts - make sure they didn't add co-hosts to any listings you're hosting.
h) Your host payout settings - make sure your money is still coming to you!
i) Your guest payment settings - make sure they haven't added stolen credit cards, since I'm sure you won't want to accidentally use them.
j) Your photos.
h) Your uploaded ID, if you have one - make sure they can't pretend to be you to regain access.
I hope this helps someone! Best of luck. And Airbnb, if you ever read these comments, please FIX YOUR 2FA AND YOUR CUSTOMER SUPPORT! There needs to be a hotline for hacked accounts!
Very good advice @Jake193 and I hope many Airbnb users, hosts and guests, follow your advice. I agree that there should be a hotline at Airbnb to help users walk through the process of restoring their account and/or helping them create a new account.
Thank you for posting!